
Discussion with Dadukou District Government

  • 2021-12-21 | 08:30 - 16:20
  • Gate, JW Marriott Hotel Chongqing 重庆市渝中区解放碑JW万豪酒店大厅接车

竞品分析训练营 一个帮企业解决 where to play 和 how to win 的课程
Competitive Product Analysis Online Bootcamp helps enterprises to solve the courses of where to play and how to win

  • 2021-12-21 - 2022-01-14 | 19:00 - 20:30
  • zoom online
Beijing > Working Group Meeting

Aviation and Aerospace WG: Review for 2021 and Plan for 2022

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group meeting is going to share the latest update on connectivity, review of working group activities in 2021 and plan for the next year.

  • 2021-12-17 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing
Members only

China’s healthcare reform continues to deepen in 2021. How can multi-national pharmaceutical companies navigate these uncertain landscapes, and prepare for future? The European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group is delighted to invite you to our final Working Group meeting of the year, Value Creation and Strategic Risk Management in a Dynamic Environment and End-of-year Discussion, to be held on 16th December, 2.30 – 4.00pm, at KPMG Beijing Office and European Chamber Shanghai Office.

  • 2021-12-16 - 2021-12-16 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • KPMG Beijing Office
Members only

This year marks the 20th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The past two decades of China’s WTO membership coincided with phenomenal economic and trade growth in the country. While the reforms undertaken by China over these years have significantly accelerated cross-border trade flows and led to it becoming the largest global trader in goods and second largest trader in services, debate persists over how and to what extent China has implemented its WTO commitments.

On 9th December, this year’s annual conference will deliver insightful commentary on China’s 20 years of engagement with the WTO, how the country is expected to position itself as the WTO evolves, and the ways China can contribute to WTO reform and revitalise the multilateral trade mechanism. Through keynote speeches and panel discussions, our guest speakers (former chief trade negotiators, think tank experts and global business leaders) will present their perspectives on these topics, and examine how to preserve the core values of the multilateral trade system in the years to come.

  • 2021-12-09 | 13:00 - 17:00
  • Beijing Ballroom, 3F, Four Seasons Hotel

年终在即,辛苦耕耘一年成果满满的你,是否已经准备好了一份同样清晰、丰满的年终总结?本次课程将会为大家带来 PPT 设计制作中的各种加分利器,帮助大家理清思路、掌握技巧,呈现完美的年终汇报答卷。

After hard work for one year, have you prepared a clear and full contented report for your full year-end summary? This course will bring you all kinds of bonus points in PPT design and production, help you to clarify ideas, master skills, and present a perfect year-end report.

  • 2021-12-09 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

The negotiations at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow resulted in the completion of the Paris Agreement rulebook and kept the Paris targets alive, along with "accelerated action in this critical decade". What are the key takeaways? What message does it send to global companies and executives?

  • 2021-12-07 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Four Seasons Hotel, Tang 1

On Tuesday December 7th, Equipment Leasing Companies from the Chamber NBFI working group took part in an emergency meeting to discuss an informal review by Changning district Tax Bureau.

  • 2021-12-07 | 14:00 - 15:00
  • Zoom meeting
Members only

The European Chamber is pleased to invite Professor Ma Aijin, the main drafter of Excessive Package Standard for Cosmetics and Food, to give the recorded illustration of the key requirements of the Standard.

  • 2021-12-07 | 10:00 - 11:00
  • zoom
Members only