
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter, together with SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., is thrilled to invite you to the 1 day training on Enterprise Electrical Safety Management 3rd (Monday) June, 2019. This training will be held in Chinese. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会联合SGS通标标准技术服务有限公司共同举办企业电气安全管理培训。活动将于2019年6月3日(周一)举办。活动语言:中文。

  • 2019-06-03 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Kelley Hotel

Dear Members and Friends,

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China together with Liaoning Radio and Television Education Youth Channel, Liaoning Radio and Television Youth activity Center and Silk Road Youth International Culture and Art Exchange Center is thrilled to invite you to participate in the Recording of the Award Ceremony of the "Children's Foreign Language Eloquence Competition" on May 25th. Before this ceremony, children have already gone through three steps: Registration, Mass-Election and Tournament (EUCCC members can sign up for Tournament directly).

中国欧盟商会沈阳分会与辽宁广播电视台教育·青少频道、辽宁广播电视台青少活动中心和丝路青少年国际文化艺术交流中心,一同邀请您于5月25日参加辽宁广播电视台教育·青少频道的“六一少儿外语口才大赛” 颁奖晚会。在节目录制之前,小朋友们需要经历报名,海选,晋级三个步骤(欧盟商会会员报名直通晋级赛)。

  • 2019-05-25 | 09:00
  • Liaoning Radio and Television Station

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in Shenyang, in cooperation with Eddic | Office Staffers Elite Academy, are cordially inviting you to an informative and practical whole day training on Normalizing the Commercially Professional PowerPoint Design and Slide Editing on Thursday, May 17th, 2019 in Shenyang.

  • 2019-05-17 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Wuerth Industrial Park

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China together with Liaoning Radio and Television Education Youth Channel, Liaoning Radio and Television Youth activity Center and Silk Road Youth International Culture and Art Exchange Center is thrilled to invite you to participate in the Tournament of "Children's Foreign language eloquence Competition" on May 12th. Liaoning Radio and Television will hold a huge party and broadcast it, before that, children need to go through three steps: Registration, Mass-Election and Tournament (EUCCC members can sign up for Tournament directly).


  • 2019-05-12 | 09:00
  • TBD

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China together with Liaoning Radio and Television Education Youth Channel, Liaoning Radio and Television Youth activity Center and Silk Road International Cultural Youth Exchange Center is thrilled to invite you to participate in the Mass-Election of "Children's Foreign Language Eloquence Competition" on May 11th. Liaoning Radio and Television will hold a huge party and broadcast it, before that, children need to go through three steps: Registration, Mass-Election and Tournament (EUCCC members can sign up for Tournament directly).

  • 2019-05-11 | 09:00
  • TBD

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter, together with SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., is thrilled to invite you to the open course on ISO45001 (version 2018) Occupational Health and Safety Management system Internal Auditor from 6th (Monday) to 8th (Wednesday) May, 2019 at Green Hotel. This seminar will help understand the importance of occupational health and safety management system audit and learn audit skills and methods; The event will be held in Chinese.

  • 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08 | 09:00
  • Green Hotel

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter, together with SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., is thrilled to invite you to the open course on ISO50001:2018 version of Energy Management system (EnMS) Internal Auditor from 28th (Sunday) to 30th (Tuesday) April, 2019 at Green Hotel. This seminar will help you master the energy management system standards comprehensively and enhance the competitive edge. The event will be held in Chinese.

  • 2019-04-28 - 2019-04-30 | 09:00
  • Green Hotel

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is thrilled to invite you to the EUCCC Kick Off 2019 Event & Shenyang Board Election from 17:30, 28th (Thursday) March 2019. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸的邀请您参加将于2019年3月28日下午5:30举办的沈阳分会2019启动仪式及董事会选举活动。

  • 2019-03-28 | 17:30 - 20:30
  • Kempinski Hotel Shenyang沈阳凯宾斯基酒店