
本课程旨在全面提高新媒体营销运作和营销写作能力。通过人工智能技术,学员将学习如何高效、专业地完成各类文案和文件工作。课程目标包括掌握人工智能在新媒体营销运营和营销文案写作中的应用,提高营销文案写作效率和质量,学习使用经认可的人工智能工具优化营销流程。This course aims to comprehensively improve new media marketing operations and marketing writing capabilities. Through AI technology, the participants will learn how to complete various types of copywriting and document work efficiently and professionally. Course goals include mastering the application of AI in new media marketing operations and marketing document writing, improving marketing writing efficiency and quality, and learning to use approved AI tools to optimize marketing processes.

  • 2024-06-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

Whether it's a debriefing to internal executives or an external client, one thing in common is that this is a great opportunity to make the most of your impact. This kind of debriefing is definitely not about stating something, but about changing your audience with carefully conceived content. What does this persuasive presentation have in common? It is not only logical and concise, but more importantly it is audience-oriented. This course teaches the ideas, underlying logic and methodology of designing and presenting a report, or a kind of persuasive "way" of a report, that is, "how to sell your ideas in the report".


  • 2024-06-06 | 09:00 - 16:00

Offline Training - End-to-end supply chain diagnosis analysis and solution 端到端供应链诊断分析和方案(Chinese Language)

  • 2024-05-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Office Tianjin, 41 Floor, Meeting Room

Optimal internal logistic processes are critical for an efficient production process: The right material needs to be at the right place in the right quantities at the right time. Guiding principles originating from lean production, such as kanban systems and milk-run, are introduced in this course. Additionally, the transfer of these principles into the digital factory is discussed. The training contents are supported by hands-on application scenarios in our Innovation Center.

  • 2024-05-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center 中德工业4.0技术展示创新中心

English Business Writing is one of the most important skills you need to succeed in the workplace. So many trainees, from professional writers to new hires, from non-native English speakers to seasoned executives, use the techniques in English business writing to enhance their ability to communicate and come up with ideas. This course will teach you how to apply the principles of good English business writing to your work, how to significantly improve your English business writing with simple tools, and how to perform organization, structure, and revisions to communicate more proficiently than ever before. From this class onwards, you will be able to immediately apply your newfound knowledge to your work and improve your English business writing to make a career impression on others.


  • 2024-05-22 | 09:00 - 16:00

Business writing is one of the most crucial skills for achieving success in your professional career. Many individuals, ranging from professional writers to new employees, from non-native English speakers to senior executives, use the techniques of business writing to enhance their communication and presentation of ideas. This course will teach you how to apply the principles of effective business writing to your work, improve your writing significantly through simple tools, and master organization, structure, and revision to communicate more proficiently than ever before. Starting with this course, you will be able to immediately apply the newly acquired knowledge to your work and enhance your writing, leaving a professional impression on others.
商务写作是你在职场中取得成功的最重要技能之一。如此多的受训人员,从专业作家到新员工,从 非英语母语人士到经验丰富的高管都使用商务写作中的技术来增强他们沟通和提出想法的能力。本课程将教你如何将良好的商务写作的原则应用于你的工作,如何通过简单的工具来显着改善你的写作,以及如何执行组织,结构和修订,比以往任何时候都更熟练地沟通。从这堂课开始,你能够立即将新学到的知识应用到你的工作中,并改善你的写作,给他人留下职业的印象。

  • 2024-05-22 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online training

Since the launch of wechat video number, it has experienced many revisions. This year, a lot of new features have been introduced to make it easier to access traffic. For enterprises whose customer resources are dominated by wechat acquaintances, video number is already a necessary marketing channel.

  • 2024-05-17 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom online

[Offline Training] High Performing Team Management and Leadership 高绩效团队管理与领导力 (Chinese Language 中文授课)

  • 2024-05-16 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Office Tianjin, 41 Floor, The Big Meeting Room

Communication has always been a big deal, whether it’s for infants waiting to be fed to or diplomacy and wars between countries. Communication with leaders, colleagues, cross-departmental partners and customers in the workplace is inescapable. As the old saying goes, “Triumph comes when leaders and followers share the same goal.” Good communication is the basis of building team cohesion and core competitiveness of enterprises. However, in our daily work, we always encounter departmentalism, gap and impassability, simple and rough, stormy communication methods. The solution for these problems is not only how to listen and how to express the problem, but also know whether the communication parties have the awareness of communication, learn the importance of communication management, what goal is determined as the purpose of communication in the organization, whether they can think in the other person's position when communicating and understand each other's needs and difficulties.

  • 2024-05-14 | 09:00 - 16:00

本课程旨在通过将人工智能技术与Word(或WPS)和Excel相结合,帮助学员掌握高效的文档处理技能。与会者将学习如何使用人工智能技术来提高文件组织、报告、会议记录、数据处理等方面的效率。他们将能够根据自己的个人或团队风格创建副本和撰写总结报告,并使用先进的工具和技术在更短的时间内完成更复杂的数据分析和报告制作。This course is designed to help participants acquire efficient document processing skills by combining artificial intelligence technology with Word (or WPS) and Excel. Participants will learn how to use AI technology to improve the efficiency of document organization, reports, meeting minutes, data processing, etc. They will be able to create copy and write summary reports according to their personal or team styles, as well as use advanced tools and techniques to complete more complex data analysis and report production in a shorter time.

  • 2024-05-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou