
Chengdu Montpellier International School (MIS) was founded in 2019. It is the fruit of the friendship and cooperation between the French and Chinese governments for four decades, and the model school in international cultural and educational exchanges between the city of Chengdu, China and the city of Montpellier, France.
MIS is co-founded by GreatChina international Education, a leading education group with 27 years’ track record in international education and a century-old French education group after five year’s efforts. Offering programs in Chinese, English and French, the school aims to cultivate global citizens and future leaders who will be globally competent and life-long leaners.
MIS is the first ever school in Southwest China that is founded by overseas Chinese and experts with more than 20 years’ expertise in international education and that integrates Chinese academies and practices holistic education. It is a K~12 school with an eye on the future that endeavors to provide tailored learnings to individual students and equip them with global perspectives beyond border and time.

成都蒙彼利埃外籍人员子女学校Chengdu Montpellier International School (MIS) 始建于2019年,是中国成都市与法国蒙彼利埃市历经40年国际友城伙伴关系的中法两国政府合作的友谊结晶与中法两市国际文教交流的典范学校。

  • 2023-08-16 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Chengdu Montpellier International School, GreatChina International Education Campus 成都蒙彼利埃外籍人员子女学校,美中国际文教融创教育园区

This Webinar will focus on the draft VAT law of the People's Republic of China, interpret the VAT law in detail, and interpret the key points to improve the understanding of the VAT law. Better understanding of the law and more conscientious compliance with tax obligations. In order to better understand the law and enhance tax awareness.

  • 2023-08-09 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • T&C Coffee

Economic Outlook of Liaoning

  • 2023-07-23 | 14:30 - 16:10
  • Shang Conference Room
Members only

Writing ability is one of the core competence of marketing. No matter the press release of the enterprise brand promotion, the product promotion article on the wechat public account, all the marketing and brand publicity work can not be separated from writing. However, many people rarely accept writing training in the process of study and employment after the college entrance examination.

Press release is the most basic publicity tool of the enterprise. However, many corporate press releases actually have a lot of grammatical errors, non-standard writing problems, affecting the professional image of the enterprise.
This course aims to help students master the standard writing of press releases from the basic skills.


  • 2023-07-07 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to the launch of the European Business in China – Business Confidence Survey 2023, on 3 July in Shenzhen. You will learn about the findings of this year’s survey, as well as the key challenges and the business perspective from the South China members’ point of view.

  • 2023-07-03 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Qianhai International Talent Hub, 3rd Floor, Bay Auditorium

The 17th EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair (Hereinafter referred to as “EU-China Fair”) is scheduled from June 30th to July 1st in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.

The EU-China Fair is co-hosted by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and European Union Chamber of Commerce in China(EUCCC), and co-organized by CCPIT Chengdu Sub-council, Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Chengdu Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC Chengdu) with thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT),the Mission of the P. R. China to the EU and the EU Delegation to China. The Fair has also received support from the Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, EU SME Center and China Chamber of Commerce to the EU and many other insitutes and organizations.

This brand event with long history is a unique channel for the business people of EU and China to exchange their insight and far-sight. This year, with the theme Challenge · Opportunity · Integration · Development, the EU-China Fair will focus on Carbon Neutrality, New Energy, Digital Economy, Green Sustainability and other hot topics. Abundant activities in various forms will be arranged including One Plenary Session, six Parallel Sessions, two Matchmaking meetings, Supporting Exhibitions and visiting the local industrial park. It will be an open and inspiring platform for participants to have a comprehensive understanding and discussion on how to develop business under the condition of complicated international situation. 600 participants are expected on site and 1000 online.



  • 2023-06-30 - 2023-07-01 | 08:30 - 20:00
  • CCEC (Chengdu) 中国-欧洲中心(成都)
Members only

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to Education Seminar:Being different, being more wonderful——how international curriculum helps students school application and adapt into a multicultural environment quickly on June 20th (Tuesday), 2023.
中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2023年6月20日(星期二)举行的教育讲座:不一样,更精彩——国际课程如何助力名校申请及快速融入多元文化环境。 正值高考志愿填报热门季,此活动这是一个很好的机会,任何对国际化教育感兴趣的人都可以在此与耀中国际重庆的中方校长当面交流,了解海外名校课程和海外环境,拓宽孩子未来成长发展路径。

  • 2023-06-20 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • Music Room, Yew Chung International School of Chongqing

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Exchange Meeting on Technology Innovation Empowering SMEs- Trade Finance and Import and Export Service Sharing on 14th June (Wednesday), 2023.

  • 2023-06-14 | 15:10 - 17:00
  • Meeting Room, 7F, InterContinental Residences Chengdu City Center 成都仁恒洲际行政公寓 7楼大会议室

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to attend the Seminar on The future of Double Carbon: Carbon Management and Photovoltaic Green Supply Chain at 15:00-17:20 on 8th June (Thursday), 2023 in Chengdu.

中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2023年6月8日(星期四)15:00-17:20举行的讲座 “双碳未来:碳排放管理与光伏绿色供应链”成都场。

  • 2023-06-08 | 15:00 - 17:20
  • Executive Lounge, 29F, Primcasa Chengdu 成都合景誉舍国际公寓与全套房酒店 29楼行政酒廊

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to attend the Seminar on The future of Double Carbon: Carbon Management and Photovoltaic Green Supply Chain at 15:00-17:20 on 7th June, Wednesday, 2023.
中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2023年6月7日(星期三)15:000-17:20举行的讲座 “双碳未来:碳排放管理与光伏绿色供应链”(重庆场)

  • 2023-06-07 | 15:00 - 17:20
  • Meeting Room 6+7, 2F, A2 Block, SinoSwiss Technopark 中瑞产业园A2栋2楼6+7会议室