
On April 23, the 13th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the 4th amendment to the Trademark Law of China. The new trademark law will come into effect on 1st November, 2019. As part of the government’s effort to further strengthen the protection of intellectual property in China, the new trademark law especially targets the registration of bad faith trademark application.

  • 2019-09-17 | 09:30 - 11:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Office
Members only
South China > Working Group Meeting

Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group Meeting

The European Chamber is happy to invite you to the back to the next meeting of the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group (SCA WG), which will take place on the 17th September 2019, from 15:30 to 17:20 at the European Chamber’s Beijing, Shanghai and South China offices.

  • 2019-09-17 | 15:30 - 17:20
  • Conference Call
Members only
Beijing > Working Group Meeting

Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group meeting

The European Chamber is happy to invite you to the back to the next meeting of the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group (SCA WG), which will take place on the 17th September 2019, from 15:30 to 17:20 at the European Chamber’s Beijing, Shanghai and South China offices.

  • 2019-09-17 | 15:30 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Office
Members only

The U.S.-China trade relations have been fluctuating since 2018. The recent tariffs increase has put US$550 billion worth of Chinese goods subject to U.S. tariffs and US$185 billion worth of U.S. goods subject to Chinese tariffs. Uncertainties and challenges from U.S.-China trade war put companies in increasingly difficult water. With his rich experience in China, John Holden, Senior Director & Head of China Practice of McLarty Associates will deliver a speech on the status of U.S.-China relations and the trade conflict. Mr. Holden received the Friendship Award, the most prestigious honor granted by China to foreigners. From 1998 to 2005, Holden was President of the National Committee on United States–China Relations.

中美贸易关系自2018年来一波三折。双方最新的关税让总计约5500亿美元的中国出口美国商品受到新增关税的影响,也让总计约1850亿美元的美国出口中国商品受到新增关税的影响。贸易战的不确定性让公司面临着日益严峻的经营环境。来自McLarty Associates的Senior Director & Head of China Practice John Holden先生将就当前中美关系和贸易摩擦进行演讲。John Holden先生在中国有着丰富的经历。他曾获得“中国政府友谊奖”,这一奖项是中国政府授予外国专家的最高荣誉。从1998年至2005年,John Holden先生曾担任美中关系全国委员会主席。

  • 2019-09-12 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Room 405, Beijing, European Chamber
Members only

In order for companies to grasp new opportunities in China’s financial market expansion and opening up, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Mei DONG, Partner and Expert of Financial Services at KPMG to share her main observations in regards to the new opportunities for foreign insurance companies in the context of pension reform and elderly care

  • 2019-09-05 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405
Members only
South China > Working Group Meeting

Logistics Working Group Meeting | Customs Special Supervision Areas

Since the establishment of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in 1990, the State Council has approved the set-up of over 160 CSSAs in terms of bonded zones, export processing zones, bonded logistic parks, bonded ports, comprehensive bonded zones and cross-border industrial zones.

The Logistics Working Group welcomes Mr. Eric Zhou, Head of Trade & Customs, KPMG China to discuss the latest development of CSSAs and have a comprehensive review.

  • 2019-09-03 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405
Members only
Beijing > Working Group Meeting

Logistics Working Group Meeting | Customs Special Supervision Areas

Since the establishment of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in 1990, the State Council has approved the set-up of over 160 Customs Special Supervision Areas (CSSAs) in terms of bonded zones, export processing zones, bonded logistic parks, bonded ports, comprehensive bonded zones and cross-border industrial zones. Each of these areas enjoys different preferential benefits, is regulated by different policies or rules and runs different processes.

The Logistics Working Group welcomes Mr. Eric Zhou, Head of Trade & Customs, KPMG China, to discuss the latest policy development of CSSAs and give a comprehensive review on the overall regulatory framework.

  • 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-03 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405
Members only

Dear Members and Friends,
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is thrilled to invite you to the 2019 Generali HR Hot Topic Forum (Shenyang) on Sunday September 1, 2019, 13:00- 17:30.
中国欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸的邀请您参加将于2019年9月1日13:00- 17:30举办的2019中意人寿人力资源热点论坛(沈阳)。

  • 2019-09-01 | 13:00 - 17:30
  • Conrad Hotel, Henglong Plaza

Joint Finance & Taxation and Investment Working Group Meeting | Greater Bay Area (GBA): Outlook and Opportunities

  • 2019-08-23 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • Deloitte Office Meeting Room
Members only

Joint Finance & Taxation and Investment Working Group Meeting | Greater Bay Area (GBA): Outlook and Opportunities

  • 2019-08-23 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Office
Members only