
关联方之间的进口货物交易,一直是海关和税务局实施转让定价审查的重点领域。然而由于理论框架、法规依据等方面的不同,海关和税务局在转让定价审查中的关注重点和立场取向往往存在差异,客观上增加了企业的转让定价方案同时获得海关与税务局认可的技术难度。2022年5月18日,深圳海关和深圳市税务局联合发布的《关于实施关联进口货物转让定价协同管理通告》在探索转让定价领域的协同管理机制方面迈出了可贵的第一步,提升了税法适用的确定性和可预期性。Import transactions between related parties have always been the focus of transfer pricing review by customs and Tax Bureau. However, due to the differences in theoretical framework, legal basis and other aspects, customs and Tax Bureau often have different focus and position orientation in transfer pricing review, which objectively increases the technical difficulty for enterprises to obtain the approval of customs and tax Bureau at the same time. On May 18, 2022, Shenzhen Customs and Shenzhen Tax Bureau jointly issued the Circular on implementing the Coordinated Management of Transfer Pricing of Related Imports, which made a valuable first step in exploring the coordinated management mechanism in the field of transfer pricing, and improved the certainty and predictability of the application of the tax law.

  • 2022-08-19 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Deloitte Nanjing Office

This seminar has postponed to 21st of July.
Environmental supervising is bound to involve environmental protection investigation, the negative result of which will cause serious liability that will be assumed by enterprise and its ESH department. During environmental protection investigation, ESH department shall be aware of the essential legal elements to be identified by the environmental protection authority which will lead to an effectively legal punishing. Further, don’t ally with any organ presumably beneficial to you once the investigation is under way. Therefore, the enterprise shall be prepared in daily compliance early on to fundamentally avoid administrative penalty.

  • 2022-07-21 | 14:30 - 18:00
  • Yangzi Room, Jinling Hotel

The entry into force of the new Personal Information Protection Law of the PRC is posing new strict compliance requirements for the handling of personal information of employees.

  • 2022-04-20 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • zoom
Members only

Under the background of increasing new business practices, new business forms and complex cross-border issues, the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter specially invites the expert team from KPMG to bring this seminar on debriefing the cross-border tax hot cases and the recent cross-border tax collection policy updates.
在新商业行为、新业务形态、复杂跨境事项日渐增多的背景下, 欧盟商会南京分会特邀KPMG专家团队为企业带来本次跨境税务热点案例以及近期跨境税务事项征管动态交流分享。

  • 2022-03-03 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • KPMG Nanjing Office

Latest insights shared by professionals from BASF Digital Hub and EY

  • 2022-01-14 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • 7th Floor Meetig Room 2, Intercontinental Hotel Nanjing
Nanjing > Seminars

Government Dialogue

Government Dialogue

  • 2012-11-22 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • 9th Floor, The Westin Nanjing / 南京威斯汀大酒店 9楼

VAT Tax Pilot Programme & Tax risk management for non-residents companies - Practical Implementation Advice for Businesses

  • 2012-04-18 | 14:00
  • Agfa (Wuxi) Imaging Co Ltd

Seminar on Building Construction

  • 2006-06-21 | 19:00
  • Seminar on Building Construction