
In Japanese language, kata (型 or 形, literally: "form") is a frequently-used phase meaning “way of doing,” with emphasis on the form and order of the process. Other meanings are “training method” and “formal exercise.” While Improvement/Coaching Kata are a systematic approach aim at growing people and maximizing human potential by engaging people to continually improve as part of their everyday work.
在日语中,kata (型 或 形, 字面意思: “形式”) 意思是“做某事的方法”,强调过程的形式和顺序。其他意思也有“培训方式”和“形式练习”。辅导/改善讨论是一种系统性的方法,通过使员工不断进行改进,并作为其日常工作的一部分,以此来壮大人才并最大化人的潜能。

  • 2016-06-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • IMIG Training Center

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is happy to invite you to take a part in the Exclusive Dialogue with Jiangsu Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology. The Dialogue will be held on Friday 3 June 2016 at Intercontinental hotel Nanjing.

  • 2016-06-03 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • No.7 Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Intercontinental Hotel

Presentations are more than simply sharing your ideas. A good presentation should help you better communicate with others and achieve a goal.
People who give excellent presentations achieve better results, and can become key players within their companies by helping others to make decisions.

  • 2016-05-25 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • No.3 Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Intercontinental Hotel
Nanjing > Other

(Updated) Europe Day 2016

'Europe Day' , also known as 'National Celebration Day’ or 'Schumann Day' by the European Union, is an important day for European integration process. Partnering with Antenne Campus France de Nanjing (France Consulate General in Shanghai) and University of Nanjing, European Chamber Nanjing Chapter celebrates this special occasion by hosting a dialogue between the member companies and Chinese under- and postgraduates on the environment issues, as well as inviting Chinese students to learn and experience member companies' best practices in addressing the environment concerns.

  • 2016-05-08 - 2016-05-09 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • University of Nanjing, Xianlin Campus, Environment School, B320
Nanjing > Other

Nanjing Board Election 2016

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter has the pleasure to invite you to take a part in our annual board elections on Thursday, 14th April. This special occasion is an incredibly rewarding opportunity for you share your ideas about the Chamber’s future. The following positions are open:
• One (1) Nanjing Chairman of the Board
• Four (4) Nanjing Board members

  • 2016-04-14 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • Shangri'la Nanjing
Members only

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is pleased to have Mr. Joerg Wuttke, President of European Chamber and Professor Paul Armstrong-Taylor, John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Nanjing University, to discuss the pressing economic and financial issues in China when the country has embarked on its ambitious and perhaps protracted reforming process.

  • 2016-04-06 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • InterContinetal, Conference Room 2, 7th Floor

Target Group: CEO, COO, Senior Management, Head of Function, Department Manager etc

  • 2016-03-22 | 09:00 - 12:30
  • IMIG Engineering & Training Center

Industry 4.0 is a hot topic amongst European manufacturers. It is a vision of what manufacturing businesses will look like within 5-15 years. Smart Manufacturing is another label used. No matter what it is called, businesses need to understand what is likely to be involved and what are the strategic changes that will impact your organization structure, bottom line and balance sheet through the introduction of such an initiative.

  • 2016-03-11 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • No. 4 Meeting Room, InterContinental, Nanjing

Developing and implementing a Big Data strategy is vital if you want to stay in business in the coming years. Big Data offers so many benefits to organizations and research indicated that companies leveraging Big Data financially outperform their peers by 20% or more. So, if you do not want to be left behind, you should focus on Big Data now.

  • 2016-03-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Office Nanjing

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is happy to invite you to take a part for our upcoming “Jiangsu Government Dialogue”. The Dialogue will be held on Thursday, 14 January 2016 at Sofitel Galaxy Nanjing Hotel.


  • 2016-01-14 | 08:30 - 13:30
  • 8 Floor, Sofitel Galaxy, Nanjing
Members only