
Difficulties understanding financial statements? Every manager must have a deep comprehension of finance in order to succeed. Find the truth beyond the data in this full day training.

The training is based on case studies in order for participants to become familiar with the basic guidance behind Finance and Accounting and the preparation of the three main financial statements, Balance sheet, Profit and loss account and Cash flow statement.

  • 2015-02-05 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C411A, Lufthansa Centre

Training on the Anti-Monopoly Law, provided by Deputy Director General Li Qing from the NDRC’s Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau and Mr. Wan Jiang from the Bureau's Legal Affairs Division. Mr. Wan will provide a presentation on the AML enforcement procedures, drawing examples from past investigations, followed by a Q&A session with DDG Li.

  • 2015-01-22 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Marriott Hotel City Wall, 2nd Floor, Meeting room 7

A full-day training for experienced Excel users who need to get their Excel skills up to speed for reporting and analysis.

  • 2015-01-14 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • EUCCC Beijing Office, Lufthansa Centre, Room C411

Do you need to negotiate internally with colleagues, suppliers or customers?
Do you want to be able to ensure that the best outcome is achieved for both parties? Do you need to manage conflicts effectively throughout the negotiation process?

  • 2012-12-13 - 2012-12-15 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China