
Supply Chain Training - PowerBI Desktop: Skill Application Intensive Learning 供应链相关PowerBI课程:Power BI 技能应用精讲 (Chinese Language 中文授课)

  • 2024-04-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • The Big Meeting Room

The increasing demand for customization, the pressure to shorten product cycles and the increase in labor costs bring new challenges to the production system. Enterprises need flexible systems to adapt to these changing requirements and achieve similar cost benefits as traditional lean production systems. This course introduces the development and basic motion control of industrial robots, introduces how to use FASTSUITE software for off-line programming of robots, and how to apply the concept of digital twinning to UR robots in practical application cases. The extendable robot station developed by item will be applied in the course.定制化需求的增加、产品周期的缩短压力以及劳动力成本的增加,给生产系统带来了新的挑战。企业需要灵活的系统,以适应这些不断变化的需求,并实现与传统精益生产系统类似的成本收益。本课程介绍工业机器人的发展和基本运动控制,介绍如何利用FASTSUITE飞思德软件进行机器人离线编程的方法以及如何将数字孪生概念应用于UR机器人的实际应用案例中。课程中将运用到item开发的可拓展机器人站。

  • 2024-04-26 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

Improve your data analysis and presentation skills in 42 days without learning Python - POWER BI 14th Training Camp


你将学到 :

  • 2024-04-25 - 2024-06-04 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online

98% people nowadays are generally lack time quotient. The so-called "time quotient" is our attitude towards our own time, the attitude towards the time of others, and the ability to use time to create value. We're often so busy that we're answering messages while we're eating; So busy that there are only three days off in a month; Too busy to rest, exercise and spend time with family... ...Our biggest problem is that we spend 80 percent of our time being "busy."

98%的中国人普遍缺少“时间商”。所谓“时间商”,就是我们对待自己时间的态度,对待别人时间的态度,以及运用时间创造价的能力。我们经常忙到吃饭的时候都在回复各种信息;忙到一个月只有 3 天休息的日子;忙到没有时间休息、锻炼和陪伴家人……我们最大的问题,就是花费了80%的时间放在了一些所谓的“忙”上面。

  • 2024-04-23 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar/ 线上培训

European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to participate in the Annual General Meeting (AGM): De-risking Report Launch on 23rd (Tuesday) April 2024. The European Chamber Annual General Meeting is one of our most important events. The local Chair will review achievement of last year and the Chamber will reward 2023 new members on stage. We will also invite one member GM to give a theme speech.

All member GMs, Consulates General in Chengdu, Chongqing and media will be invited to attend this event. There are about 120 participants every year.

  • 2024-04-23 | 18:00 - 21:30
  • Diamond Ballroom 1, 2F, The Ritz-Carlton Chengdu 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店二楼 钻石厅1

The European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, cordially invites you to participate in the "China's Economic Outlook After The National Two Sessions" themed seminar to be held on April 19th. Together, we will discuss the economic development of the Northeast region and analyze the prospects of the manufacturing industry.

  • 2024-04-22 | 13:40 - 20:00
  • Conrad Hotel 3rd Floor Meeting Room No. 1 / 沈阳康莱德酒店三楼宴会厅

Many foreign enterprises are B2B companies that need to develop a large number of enterprise-level clients in China. The customer base of B2B companies is characterized by intense competition, long procurement cycles, complex procurement decisions, and difficulty in exploring potential customers. Therefore, the branding and marketing teams of B2B companies encounter many challenges. This course aims to comprehensively analyze the pain points and characteristics of B2B clients, thereby enhancing the team's understanding of branding and marketing work for B2B companies, learning more management skills to apply in daily work, and improving marketing efficiency.

  • 2024-04-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Course - link will be shared prior to the training by email

Many foreign enterprises are B2B companies that need to develop a large number of enterprise-level clients in China. The customer base of B2B companies is characterized by intense competition, long procurement cycles, complex procurement decisions, and difficulty in exploring potential customers. Therefore, the branding and marketing teams of B2B companies encounter many challenges. This course aims to comprehensively analyze the pain points and characteristics of B2B clients, thereby enhancing the team's understanding of branding and marketing work for B2B companies, learning more management skills to apply in daily work, and improving marketing efficiency.

  • 2024-04-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online

Many foreign enterprises are B2B companies that need to develop a large number of enterprise-level clients in China. The customer base of B2B companies is characterized by intense competition, long procurement cycles, complex procurement decisions, and difficulty in exploring potential customers. Therefore, the branding and marketing teams of B2B companies encounter many challenges. This course aims to comprehensively analyze the pain points and characteristics of B2B clients, thereby enhancing the team's understanding of branding and marketing work for B2B companies, learning more management skills to apply in daily work, and improving marketing efficiency.很多外企是B2B类企业,需要在中国开发大量的企业级客户。B2B企业的客户群体存在竞争大、采购周期长、采购决策复杂、潜客挖掘难等特点。因此B2B企业的品牌及市场部团队的工作会遇到不少难点。本课程旨在全面梳理B2B客户的痛点和特点,从而提高团队对B2B类企业的品牌和市场营销工作的认知,学习更多管理技能,以便运用在日常工作中,提高市场营销的效率。

  • 2024-04-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online

Many foreign companies are B2B companies that need to develop a large number of enterprise customers in China. The customer groups of B2B enterprises have the characteristics of large competition, long procurement cycle, complex procurement decisions, and difficult to tap potential customers. Therefore, the brand and marketing team of B2B enterprises will encounter many difficulties. This course aims to comprehensively sort out the pain points and characteristics of B2B customers, so as to improve the team's cognition of the brand and marketing work of B2B enterprises, learn more management skills, so as to apply them in daily work and improve the efficiency of marketing.很多外企是B2B类企业,需要在中国开发大量的企业级客户。B2B企业的客户群体存在竞争大、采购周期长、采购决策复杂、潜客挖掘难等特点。因此B2B企业的品牌及市场部团队的工作会遇到不少难点。本课程旨在全面梳理B2B客户的痛点和特点,从而提高团队对B2B类企业的品牌和市场营销工作的认知,学习更多管理技能,以便运用在日常工作中,提高市场营销的效率。

  • 2024-04-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online