


- 掌握三阶段洞察法-破解员工行为背后的心理密码;
- 能够运用洞察和心理沟通四步法转化和激励员工的负面情绪和行为;
- 懂得员工工作激情的来源——内在心理动力的“飞机”模型图;
- 能够根据对员工的心理洞察更精准的使用相应的激励方法和策略
- 学会评估与使用“三角色法”扭转困难情境下团队的士气低落;
- 懂得使用凝聚与点燃团队激情的“团体心理动力的四要素”。

  • 2024-01-18 - 2024-01-19 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 北京东直门亚朵S酒店

This course aims to address the various obstacles in the process of authorisation for managers, to help participants learn to master the "6-step approach to effective authorisation" to rapidly improve management effectiveness, and through the "Leadership Balance Compass", to discover their own internal obstacles to leadership development, and to improve from the inside out. Through the "Leadership Balance Compass", participants can discover their own internal obstacles to leadership development, improve their self-knowledge, understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and find the real focus point of leadership development, which will help them to effectively improve their leadership and efficiently empower their teams at the same time.

  • 2024-01-16 - 2024-01-17 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • address shall be shared before the training


This training teaches you to sell ideas in your report through building an audience centered mindset, and will help you to better solve following challenges in workplace
- How to get my audience to agree with my viewpoint and provide support
- How to address logically and systematically
- How to present content concisely in limited time


- 切中要害,获取支持
- 逻辑性强,富有条理
- 简明扼要、突出重点


- 如何使听众同意我的观点并提供支持
- 如何有逻辑、有条理地把内容说清楚
- 如何在有限时间简明扼要地呈现内容

  • 2024-01-04 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams

This training teaches you to sell ideas in your report through building an audience centered mindset, and will help you to better solve following challenges in workplace
• How to get my audience to agree with my viewpoint and provide support
• How to address logically and systematically
• How to present content concisely in limited time

  • 2024-01-04 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams

• 掌握PPT设计的全局观,明确设计思路,搭建清晰的逻辑框架
• 掌握有效处理文字、数据、图片的方法,提升信息呈现力
• 掌握PPT演讲技巧,完美呈现工作汇报、项目答辩、产品演示等不同场合的PPT
PPT Training -- Make your PowerPoint more expressive
Course Benefits:
• Master the overall view of PPT design, clarify the design ideas, and build a clear logical framework;
• Master effective methods of processing text, data and pictures to enhance the effectiveness of information transmission;
• Master PPT speech skills, make a perfect PPT of work reports, project defense, product demonstration and other different occasions;

  • 2019-12-13 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

Microsoft office series - Excel and Ppt

  • 2019-12-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

This training is coorperate with CCI France Chine(French Chamber)
The Chinese eCommerce market is the largest eCommerce market in the world. This market has its own specificities: local players and local practices quite different from the western world.

Whether you are a brand or a merchant with an eCommerce project in China, this training will help you to understand the local eCommerce Chinese market, the best eCommerce practices in China and the Chinese digital ecosystem.

Through real life examples and study cases, this training will allow you to gather the necessary practical and market knowledge for your eCommerce success in China.

Who should attend?
This training session targets any brands or merchants with an eCommerce or Digital project on the Chinese market. Entrepreneurs or ecommerce practitioners can join this course.

  • 2019-11-27 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • CCI France Chine Shanghai 2/F, Mayfair Tower

China‘s social credit system for companies

  • 2019-11-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

comprehensive knowledge in finance managementManagement accounting is considered as the tool to enhance executives and managers ability to make decision in an ever-changing business environment.

  • 2019-11-21 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

Know the basics of finance, understand and use financial accounting information, analyze financial statements

  • 2019-11-20 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre