
European Chamber President Jens Eskelund > European Chamber Report | Riskful Thinking: Navigating the Politics of Economic Security

  • 2024-04-18 | 13:15 - 15:00
  • Bamboo Room,5F, Four Seasons Hotel Tianjin

New Facilitation Policy for Foreign Nationals Visiting Tianjin 天津便利外籍人士来津最新政策解读会

  • 2024-04-09 | 09:30 - 11:00
  • 2F Lecture Room, TEDA Mansion in Hexi District

On 22nd March, 2024, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) officially issued the ‘Provisions on Promoting and Regulating Cross-border Flow of Data’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘New Rules’), revamping the cross-border data transfer rules in place since 2022. The New Rules constituted a much-awaited announcement that is expected to lessen the administrative burdens and cross-border data transfer bottlenecks facing many companies, and provide a more internationalized environment for MNCs as well as Chinese local companies with overseas needs.

  • 2024-03-29 | 16:30 - 18:00
  • Teams/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

[HR High Level Seminar] Diversified Employment Challenges and Practice in Manufacturing [HR高层座谈会] 生产型企业多元化用工实践与挑战

  • 2024-03-29 | 13:55 - 15:30
  • European Chamber Office Tianjin, 41 Floor, Meeting Room

2024 is an important year for China on further economic recovery and also provides challenges and opportunities for companies to explore business in China. The ‘Two Sessions (Lianghui)’ and the China Development Forum (CDF) will guide China’s economic growth and provide new engines for business. At the same time, a stable and healthy bilateral EU-China relationship is strategically significant for the economy and companies.

Welcome to join us to outlook the China economic growth, explore the opportunities under the uncertain EU-China relations, discuss how will the 'Two Sessions' convey confidence in 2024 economy, and talk with economists and experts on new business opportunities in China.

  • 2024-03-27 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Teams / European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

Exchange and Connection - Corporate Decision Makers’ Meetup

  • 2024-03-21 | 07:15 - 09:30
  • Garnet Room, 1th Floor, Shangri-La Hotel

The European Chamber cordially invites you to attend the launch of its latest publication, produced in partnership with China Macro Group (CMG), on 20th March 2024.

European Chamber president Jens Eskelund and CMG co-founder and managing director Markus Herrmann Chen will present the key findings of the report. Following this, president Eskelund and former Chamber presidents Joerg Wuttke, Mats Harborn and Davide Cucino will discuss the impact that state-led risk management and economic-security-focussed policies are having on European companies in China.

  • 2024-03-20 | 09:00 - 11:30
  • Beijing Ballroom, 3F, Four Seasons Hotel

European Chamber Women's Day Workshop
Gender Diversity: Empowering Female Leadership In Business

  • 2024-03-07 | 13:30 - 15:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

Navigating the Digitalisation Journey: Empowering SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector

  • 2024-02-28 | 16:00 - 17:50
  • European Chamber Tianjin Office

2023 Annual Finance and Taxation Regulation and Updates Review 2023年度财税研讨会

  • 2024-01-05 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Deloitte Meeting Room, 45F Metropolitan Tower