
How to face the potential large-scale outbreaks?

  • 2022-12-15 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Zoom
Members only

2022 marks the fifth anniversary of the rollout of China’s Cybersecurity Law and the first anniversary of the enactment of the Data Security Law (DSL) and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). A host of related finalised and draft regulations have been released in recent months, especially on cross-border data transfer, bringing about imminent compliance requirements for foreign companies operating in the Chinese market.

  • 2022-12-12 | 14:00 - 17:25
  • Zoom Online

This event is to bring up-to-date insights into the landscape of sustainable due diligence in mainland China and its implications for SME businesses in the Chinese market.

What to learn from the webinar:
-The development of sustainability due diligence in China
-How to manage sustainability due diligence issues efficiently in China
-How will an SME be affected from 2023 as a direct or indirect supplier?
-Which main legal positions are protected under the German law, i.e. in which areas is corporate sustainability due diligence required?
-What does Chinese law already regulate regarding these legal positions?
-Which practical next steps could an SME in China take?

  • 2022-12-07 | 16:30 - 18:00
  • Online, ZOOM

On 28th October 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the Administrative Regulation on Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturer and Product Admission (Draft for Comments) (Administrative Regulation on Admission). Five days later, the MIIT and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the Notice on Conducting Pilot Work of ICV Access and On-road Driving (Draft for Comment) (Draft Pilot Notice). The release of these two draft regulations is of great significance for future development of China’s auto industry, in particular that of smart vehicles.

  • 2022-11-29 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Zoom Online

GAMI officially represents Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and serves as TRENT project office in China. In this series, we share latest insights and solutions in the field of sustainability and environmental technology. Two experts from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) give insights on solutions in the field of environmental technology and sustainability.

  • 2022-11-21 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • zoom online

Join the national webinar ‘Townhall Online Briefing with the President’, during which President Jörg Wuttke will update members on the COVID situation across China, what to watch out for following China’s 20th Party Congress, as well as how the Chamber’s recently published position paper has been received at the national and local level.

  • 2022-11-03 | 14:00 - 15:00
  • Zoom Online
Members only

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodological tool used to assess the environmental impacts related to all stages of the product life cycle, including the whole process from raw material acquisition, production, use, recycling to product final disposal (i.e. "cradle to grave"). It can help individuals, businesses, organizations or governments make internal decisions and provide the basis for a wide range of policy making.
Life Cycle Assessment, 生命周期评价(简称LCA)是一种方法工具,用于评估产品生命周期的所有阶段相关的环境影响,包括从原材料获取、生产、使用、回收到产品最终处置的全过程(即“从摇篮到坟墓”)。它可以帮助个人、企业、组织或政府进行内部决策,为广泛的政策制定提供依据。

  • 2022-11-03 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • zoom online

Two experts from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) give insights how the production of the future can be designed more economical and sustainable.

  • 2022-10-27 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • ZOOM
Members only

Data security and cross-border transfers of data are essential for of business activities and encourage innovation. Companies constantly use data generated from R&D or collected from customers in different locations to improve their products or develop new ones, often relying on teams based across the world.

Over the past years, China has considerably strengthened cybersecurity, data, and personal information protection governance. In 2017, the Cybersecurity Law (CSL) came to force outlining various obligations to network operators and internet service providers. In 2021, the CSL was complemented by Data Security Law (DSL) and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), stipulating a series of obligations not only for actors based in China but also for those based elsewhere yet processing data or personal information generated in China. When doing business in China, SMEs need to be aware of the regulations they must follow to be compliant with cybersecurity and data protection system.

  • 2022-10-26 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • Online via zoom

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined the global vision and priorities for sustainable development by 2030 which aims to achieve a series of common goals with united effort from the whole world. The United Nations Member States unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goal 17, making it a global agenda for sustainable development.
As China increases its efforts to reduce emissions and transition to a green economy, improving ESG compliance, sustainability and green compliance technology will become even more important for companies operating in China.
So, how to understand ESG? What impact does it have on the market and the development of companies? Now that the dual-carbon and green sustainable development strategy are on the fast track, how should companies practice ESG and write good social responsibility reports?

  • 2022-10-18 | 15:30 - 16:30
  • GoTo Webinar
Members only