

When it comes to performance management, most people think of KPI first. However, due to various reasons, most people's perception of KPI is negative. In recent years, many companies are trying to find an alternative tool for KPI, so OKR begins to get attention. As a performance management tool, OKR has been widely used in Intel, Google and other companies as early as the 1990s, and has produced good results in these companies. But why has OKR not been paid more attention and considered as an alternative to KPI until these years? In addition, recently, it has been rumored that Google will replace OKR with a new performance management method called GRAD, which is more focused on tracking employee growth, learning and progress. Why?

People's negative cognition of KPI mainly comes from two aspects: one is most people only pay attention to some points of KPI in application, which makes the performance management system behind KPI fail to play its due effect; another is with the improvement of people's knowledge level and enterprises' dependence on talents, some factors of performance management system are also changing. The most important point is to pay more attention to the growth of talents, but most people's understanding of performance management is still stuck in a dozen or even decades ago.

Based on years of research and consulting practice, combined with the traditional idea of performance management and the transformation of the current enterprise environment, we put forward the C-PDCA-S model of high order performance management. From awareness and cognition, to operation mechanism, and then to the connection with talent development, performance management shows a new panorama that attaches more importance to talent development and puts people first. We believe that as long as all points in this panorama are combined to exert the overall effect, performance management system can play the maximum value.


谈到绩效管理,大多数人首先想到的是 KPI,但是因为种种原因大多数人对 KPI 的认知是负面的,近几年很多公司都在尝试寻找 KPI 的替代工具,于是 OKR 开始受到关注,其实,OKR 作为一种绩效管理的工具早在上世纪九十年代已经在英特尔、谷歌等公司获得广泛的应用,并在这些公司产生了不错的效果,但是为什么直到这几年 OKR 才被更多的关注并被认为可以替代 KPI 呢?另一方面,近期,谷歌内部传出要用被称为 GRAD 这个更专注于跟进员工的成长、学习和进步的新绩效管理方式替代 OKR,这又是为什么呢?

人们对 KPI 的负面认知主要来自两个方面:一是多数人在实际运用中只是注重 KPI 的某些点,而使得 KPI 背后的绩效管理体系没有发挥出应有的效果;二是随着人们知识水平的提高,以及企业对人才依赖,绩效管理体系的一些因素也正在发生变化,这里面最重要的点是更关注人才的成长,但是多数人对绩效管理的认识还停留在十几甚至几十年前。

在多年的研究和咨询实践基础上,结合传统绩效管理的思想以及当前企业环境的转变,我们提出了高阶绩效管理——绩效赋能体系的 C-PDCA-S 模型,从实施绩效管理应具备的意识和认知,到绩效管理的运行机制,再到同人才发展的对接展示了一张更重视人才发展、以人为本的新绩效管理全景图,我们相信,只要这张全景图中的所有点结合在一起发挥整体效应,绩效管理体系就能发挥最大价值。

  • 2022-10-20 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online Webinar

This workshop will introduce how to use MBTI to understand and develop employees

【Training Objects】

HR, trainers, guiders, managers at all levels

【Course Objectives】

To have a preliminary but correct understanding of MBTI and how to apply MBTI to understand and develop employees


本体验课程将介绍如何应用 MBTI 来认识员工和发展员工




对 MBTI 有一个初步但正确的理解,了解如何应用 MBTI 来认识员工和发展员工

  • 2022-10-19 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online Webinar

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined the global vision and priorities for sustainable development by 2030 which aims to achieve a series of common goals with united effort from the whole world. The United Nations Member States unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goal 17, making it a global agenda for sustainable development.
As China increases its efforts to reduce emissions and transition to a green economy, improving ESG compliance, sustainability and green compliance technology will become even more important for companies operating in China.
So, how to understand ESG? What impact does it have on the market and the development of companies? Now that the dual-carbon and green sustainable development strategy are on the fast track, how should companies practice ESG and write good social responsibility reports?

  • 2022-10-18 | 15:30 - 16:30
  • GoTo Webinar
Members only

If you work in an international company, being able to write well-organized, elegant and decent English emails is an enviable thing. A well-structured, well-toned, and persuasive email will both help you achieve your goals and project a good professional image.


  • 2022-10-12 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

The design of a company building is becoming ever popular as information exhibiting platform nowadays that many enterprises excute their marketing and PR strategies through their office and building design. Good design helps enterprises improve their value by integrating their own advantageous resources more efficiently and reduce marketing and public relations costs.


  • 2022-09-30 | 09:20 - 12:00
  • Online webinar

In the early stage of enterprise development, to a large extent, it was driven by the personal heroes of founders and partners, but this has become the bottleneck of the next stage of enterprise development. Many enterprise development is stuck in this place and cannot move towards effective team management. How to go from individual hero to team hero, focus on people rather than things, and help the growth of every employee, let the team do a good job in business, and achieve the success of organizational goals? This is the most important subject for founders and managers, and it is also the key to the company's ability to achieve from individual ability to team ability and organizational ability.


  • 2022-09-28 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online webinar

The fast-growing business requires corporate executives to continuously challenge the boundaries of managers, explore their own growth potential, and continue to grow. Managers in each key position must have a strategic vision and at the same time be able to inspire a team with high executive power, and work hard and meticulously. Managers must complete the inflection point of leadership development from focusing on what the individual does to leading the team to performance. Managers need to first establish a self-development thinking mode and dare to challenge and make breakthroughs. Teams must be more agile, innovative and efficient than ever.


  • 2022-09-27 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online webinar

Two experts from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) give insights how the production of the future can be designed more economical and sustainable.
this is a chamber supported event.

  • 2022-09-27 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • zoom
Members only

Teacher Professional Development Open Day by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China

  • 2022-09-18 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Tencent online link shall be shared before the activity

Most of the time when we communicate with people, we often feel that although we have a lot of data and theories at hand, they cannot fully support us to influence and persuade others. In the training, we strive to explore and master the power of stories with everyone, so as to enhance our influence in the future practical business scenarios. In this way, the audience can be actively encouraged to achieve communication and consensus so as to resonate.


  • 2022-09-15 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online webinar