
Don't miss this unique opportunity to gain insights from global thought leaders.

  • 2020-05-12 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

To celebrate the European Chamber’s 20th anniversary, starting from May, we will host a ‘VIP Webinar Series’ with the world’s leading industry experts, scholars, political consultants and strategists, on a variety of topics including economy, politics, technology, sustainability, EU-China Relation and EU-China-US Triangle. This VIP webinar series aims to provide insights and discussions through interactive dialogues with the most brilliant minds around the globe.

  • 2020-05-11 - 2020-05-14 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

To celebrate the European Chamber’s 20th anniversary, starting from May, we will host a ‘VIP Webinar Series’ with the world’s leading industry experts, scholars, political consultants and strategists, on a variety of topics including economy, politics, technology, sustainability, EU-China Relation and EU-China-US Triangle. This VIP webinar series aims to provide insights and discussions through interactive dialogues with the most brilliant minds around the globe.

  • 2020-05-10 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online

On May 9th, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Shenyang, the French Consulate General in Shenyang, the German Consulate General in Shenyang, the Alliance française in Dalian and the Goethe-Institut in Northeastern University will jointly celebrate "Europe Day" in Northeast China!


  • 2020-05-09 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • online

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is delighted to invite you to attend the online training in Chinese: Leading High Performance Team - Practical Leadership at 13:30-17:00 on 8th May, Friday, 2020.
中国欧盟商会沈阳分会诚邀您参加将于2020年5月8日(星期五)13:30-17:00举行的线上培训:【授之以鱼+授之以渔】iLead 领导高绩效团队-可实践的领导力。

  • 2020-05-08 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Online - Zoom Meeting Platform (link will be shared prior to the event)

School heads from 4 international schools well-known in Tianjin will talk about the challenge and measures schools have encountered and share insights on visions of future schools.

  • 2020-05-06 | 13:30 - 15:30
  • Zoom Meeting Platform

Webinar will cover the most common assumptions, misconceptions and mistakes that SMEs make related to IP when operating in China or do business with China including various case studies of best practice and what NOT to do.

  • 2020-04-28 | 13:45 - 15:00
  • Zoom Meeting Platform


  • 2020-04-21 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom Meeting Platform

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is thrilled to invite you to participate in the Webinar on Education: Deal with Psychological Fatigue, Prepare for School Opening & Make a Practical and Efficient Online Learning Plan supported by the International Club of Shenyang on April 16th 19:30-20:45 in English. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸地邀请您参与于2020年4月16日19:30-20:45举办的在线论坛:应对线上教学心理疲惫期,做出实用且高效的远程学习计划&做好开学准备. 语言:英文。本次活动得到了沈阳国际俱乐部的支持。

  • 2020-04-16 | 19:30 - 20:45
  • Online (webinar link will be shared prior to the event)

LEH Foshan would like to invite you to join us at our online meeting and talk to our Head Master Mr Steve Allen to have a deeper insight into the School and know more about our educational philosophy.


  • 2020-04-10 - 2020-04-13 | 19:00 - 19:45
  • Online