
A majority of business elites are familiar with mind mapping and are good at using various mapping software. What's more, how can we give full play to its real effect, solve misunderstandings and consciously use mind maps to improve our thinking power?


  • 2022-07-14 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

In the face of a changing competitive environment and the entry of a new generation of employees, managers are increasingly finding that seemingly effective management methods are losing their effectiveness in driving and influencing subordinates. Based on the psychology of intrinsic motivation, this course helps managers understand how to effectively motivate subordinates through effective management behavior and communication, as well as material motivation.


  • 2022-07-05 | 20:00 - 21:30
  • Online webinar

Why should you learn Power BI? Power Bi is derived from Excel and is simple to get started with. It does not require a computer language such as VBA or SQL to get started. Because the software was originally developed with non-IT people in mind, the foolproof operation and user-friendly interface design greatly reduces the learning threshold. Secondly, it was created by Microsoft and has a strong team running the product. Backed by this strong backing, it has a complete ecosystem that works seamlessly with Office software and can interface with most of the common databases on the market. It enables analysts who do not know programming but have data analysis skills and business intuition to easily and quickly extract, clean and integrate various data sources (MySQL, Salesforce, etc.) and create complex data. Salesforce, etc.) and create complex dynamic graphs and gauges.

为什么要学Power BI?Power Bi是由Excel衍生而来,简单易上手。它的入门不需要VBA或SQL这样有门槛的计算机语言。因为这款软件的开发初衷是针对非IT类人群,傻瓜化的操作以及人性化的界面设计大大降低了学习门槛。其次它由微软创造,有一个强大的团队在运营这款产品,在这个强大的后盾支持下,它有完整的生态,与Office软件无缝衔接,能对接市面上大部分常见的数据库,它使得不懂编程但具备数据分析能力和商业直觉的分析人员能够便捷而快速地提取,清理,整合各种数据源(MySQL,Salesforce等),并创建复杂动态图形和仪表。

  • 2022-06-28 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online webinar

This course is set to be a "micro-conversation" for the first 30 minutes and a "wise talk" for the second 30 minutes, covering two of Ms. Dai's best leadership topics, with the aim of teaching you to manage your workplace contacts, build up influence and become a master of social relationship management in one hour of sharing time.


  • 2022-06-23 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online webinar

Why is it that when we are talking at length, the other person coldly says, "May I ask what you really want to say?" Why do we have the knowledge in our heads, but we don't know how to present it clearly to the other one? Why do we write emails that the other one cannot understand? Because our thinking has no structure, which makes it difficult for the other to sort out our logic, and as a result, they think we are illogical! Once we are labelled as "illogical", our careers will be seriously affected and we will not get promotions, salary rises or hold key positions on ......! How can this be! In fact, this problem can be easily solved by mastering structural thinking.

为什么我们滔滔不绝的说得口干舌燥,对方却冷冷的来一句:“请问你到底想说什么?” 为什么我们脑子里有货,但就是不知道怎么清晰的呈现给对方?为什么我们写的邮件对方就是看不明白? 因为我们的思维缺乏结构,从而导致对方很难梳理我们的逻辑,最终,对方会认为我们没逻辑!当一旦我们被套上“没逻辑”的帽子,将严重影响我们的职业生涯,升职、加薪、担任要职……统统没有我们的份!这怎么行!其实,只要掌握结构化思维,就能轻松解决这个问题。

  • 2022-06-22 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

China is home to one-fifth of the world’s population. In 2007, the country consumed about 2.7 billion tons of standard coal equivalent and emitted about 7.5 gigatons of greenhouse gases, surpassing the United States as the world’s top emitter.

After decades of breakneck economic growth, China has made it a priority to develop a green, low-carbon, and circular economy in the next decades.

China’s transition to a green, low-carbon, and circular economy is an immense task but also opens the door for new opportunities, which is in line with current effective Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment - around 100 items fall into the scope of green industries.

In this webinar, Ines Liu, International Business Advisory Manager in Beijing, will provide an overview of China’s plans and paths for transforming to a green economy and explain how such plans would be relevant to foreign investment.




在本次线上会议上,北京的国际商务咨询经理Ines Liu将概述中国向绿色经济转型的计划和路径,并解释这些计划如何与外国投资相关。

  • 2022-06-22 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

The European Chamber, in collaboration with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), is organising a webinar on the investment opportunities in Malaysia.

  • 2022-06-16 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • zoom online

找到一个合适的人越来越难了。到底是方向不对,方法不对呢?也许是操作的技巧不对!0成本,高效率教你马上练成一双火眼金睛,把合适的人请上车,把不合适的人请下车!It's getting harder and harder to find the right talent. Is it the wrong direction or the wrong method? Maybe it's the wrong skills to operate! With 0 cost and high efficiency, you will be taught to immediately develop discerning eyes to make the right person get the position and make the unsuitable person go!

  • 2022-06-14 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

随着新技术加速发展、全球经济低迷及国内经济转型升、市场竞争持续加剧、内外部商业生态呈现新态势,企业经营与管理都面临空前挑战。基于新技术发展趋势和客户新需求,开展企业产品与商业模式创新势在必行。 本课程整合力全球创新理论、前沿方法论、商业案例及10多年实践经验,力求在有限的时间内,将对创新实践最关键的核心概念、流程方案和企业实践案例,呈现给课程参与者,帮助学习者建立系统而非零散的知识与方法论体系。With the accelerated development of new technologies, the global economic downturn and the domestic economic transformation, market competition continues to intensify, the internal and external business ecology is showing new dynamics, and enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in their operation and management. Based on new technological trends and new customer needs, it is imperative to innovate corporate products and business models. This course integrates global innovation theories, cutting-edge methodologies, business cases and more than 10 years of practical experience, aiming to present the most critical core concepts, process solutions and corporate practice cases to the course participants in a limited time, helping learners to build a system rather than a fragmented knowledge and methodology system.

  • 2022-06-09 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

At least 45, or more than half of China’s largest cities, have experienced or are currently undergoing lockdowns since Omicron began to spread in China. The responses of city governments to local outbreaks has varied from localized building or district-level lockdowns, to shuttering the whole city.

As Beijing has doubled down repeatedly on its Zero-Covid policy, businesses should resign themselves to potentially disruptive lockdowns for the foreseeable future – potentially until Spring 2023.

Whether companies are based in a city that has not yet experienced a local outbreak or are currently in the midst of one, they must consider their business strategy and adapt to the challenge of short-term uncertainty. It is best to have contingencies in place for labor, supply and cash flow in the event of local prevention measures.

In this webinar, Kyle Freeman, Partner at Dezan Shira & Associates, will discuss China’s Zero-COVID policy, the lockdown situation in China, and its implications for businesses.

  • 2022-06-09 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar