

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, a strong advocate of CSR over the past years, is proud to announce the launch of the 2021 CSR Awards.

  • 2021-12-02 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • Jin'Ao Ballroom A, Fairmont Hotel Nanjing 金奥费尔蒙酒店金奥A厅

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, a strong advocate of CSR over the past years, is proud to announce the launch of the 2021 CSR Awards.

  • 2021-10-17 - 2021-10-17 | 00:00 - 24:00
  • Nanjing

On 12th October, the European Chamber Nanjing will release its European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 locally, the culmination of six months dedicated work by our 35 working groups and sub-working groups. This year’s Executive Position Paper looks into the 14th Five-year Plan (FYP), and identifies areas of risk and opportunity, both for European businesses and for China’s economy.

  • 2021-10-12 | 17:00 - 20:00
  • 78F, The Prime, InterContinental Hotel

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to join the 2018 HR Year-end Review: Roundtable Discussion, Ideas and Best Practices on November.15 at InterContinental Hotel.
During this forum, you will meet the experts from HR field, listen to the up to date HR trend and get the excellent experience from the top foreign-invested companies.

  • 2018-11-15 | 09:30 - 12:00
  • No.7 Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Intercontinental Hotel

Marina from the Inclusion Facotry Taicang and Yanyie from Feiy will share their experience of social and corporate engagement for change in China. The topic focuses on women who are socially engaged in China and how they become a "change maker" for social entrepreneurship, what kind of challenges they have taken in this career development, and what unique story they can share about their specific social entrepreneurship projects.

  • 2018-06-22 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • The Loop

Leadership is hard work and so is parenting. Parenting can be one of the best training grounds for leadership. As a successful and independent woman, being a good parent and preparing your kids for the multicultural world as well as enhancing cultural competence, are also on your to-do list, and no doubt, with high importance. NANJING INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP FORUM is pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting at 14:30-16:30 on 25 May 2018 to hear from the education experts and discuss on the education and parenting in the multicultural world.

  • 2018-05-25 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Vision Restaurant & Bar

The much-anticipated international standard for occupational health and safety, ISO 45001, is expected to be released in March, which represents a new milestone in the development of the global occupational health and safety management system.

  • 2018-04-11 | 13:00 - 17:30
  • 南京金鹰尚美酒店 龙蟠厅

Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution is a collective term embracing contemporary automation solutions as well as data exchange in and between companies. Therefore, Industry 4.0 facilitates the vision and execution of a "Smart Factory".

  • 2018-01-23 | 16:40 - 19:40
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center

The European Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing is delighted to announce the 1st Corporate Social Responsibility Award and "Green & Clean" Forum in October.

The Forum will focus on the state of air quality and the innovative measures leaders in the chemical and construction industries are taking to face this challenge. Consider attending, participating, and learning about the future of green business in China.

Green & Clean Forum: 14.00 - 17.30
Awards Ceremony: 17.30 - 20.00

  • 2014-10-16 | 13:30 - 20:00
  • Hilton Riverside

Improving Business Performance through Finance Controlling

  • 2014-08-25 | 15:30 - 17:30
  • Nanjing Intercontinental Hotel