
The South China Manufacturing Forum warmly invites management staff (General managers, plant managers, and production managers) to join its monthly roundtable, to share practical experience on the issues faced by member companies in the industry and find possible solutions.


  • 2022-11-17 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • 线上会议
Members only

The European Chamber surprisingly discovered that females are leading the lean management in plenty of manufacturing enterprises, that's the reason why the event is focusing on a specific theme: lean management. A group of female, as well as male speakers are invited to share their competence, achievements, experience and gain. The speakers work with enterprises which are in the sectors of pharma, automotive, new energy and advanced equipment manufacturing, with employees of 200 to 5,000 people. Some of their companies are new investment in recent years while some are factories have been operating in Tianjin for over 20 years. 欧盟商会天津分会惊喜地发现很多欧洲生产制造业公司中精益管理负责人都是女性,所以本次活动以“精益管理”为主线,邀请她们来分享和展示自己在精益管理中的优势、成就和个人职业收获。分享嘉宾分别来自医药、汽车、新能源行业,有最近几年的新建工厂也有二十多年的老厂,员工规模从200人到5000人不等。

  • 2022-07-27 | 13:00 - 16:10
  • WAGO Electronic(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd

The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter sincerely invites you to attend the VIP Meeting with Foreign Affairs Office of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government on June 10th(Friday), 2022 .


  • 2022-06-10 | 09:00 - 11:30
  • Meeting Room C
Members only

To provide an opportunity for members to meet face to face and exchange best practices
To help us understand your thoughts
To shape the forum’s topics going forward

  • 2022-02-23 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • The Big Meeting Room

“ShenZhen (GuangMing) Smart Manufacturing Cooperation Conference” hosted by Invest Shenzhen will be hold in The Ritz-Carlton on November 20th, 2017 (Monday). 『深圳(光明)智能制造投资合作交流会』将在11月20日下午丽思卡尔顿酒店举办,本次交流会由深圳市投资推广署、光明新区管理委员会与招商局蛇口联合举办。

  • 2017-11-20 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • The Ritz-Carlton Shenzhen


  • 2017-05-25 | 13:40 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Conference Room

Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition 30 / 03 - 01 / 04 / 2017

  • 2017-03-30 - 2017-04-01 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel
Members only
South China > Forums

Qian Nan Investment and Trade Fair

Qian Nan Investment and Trade Fair

  • 2007-05-10 |
  • Qian Nan Investment and Trade Fair

Symposium of China Import & Export Fair (Canton Fair)

  • 2007-04-28 |
  • Symposium of China Import & Export Fair (Canton Fair)