
While global economy is increasingly interconnecting with information systems, cyber attacks and data breaches are becoming enormous threats in various industries.

  • 2017-10-26 | 14:00 - 16:50
  • Beijing Room, 3rd Flour, Shangri-La Hotel Shenzhen

While global economy is increasingly interconnecting with information systems, cyber attacks and data breaches are becoming enormous threats in various industries.

  • 2017-10-25 | 14:00 - 16:20
  • Amber Room, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou

Improving the quality of sales leads, and in turn sales conversion rates, is essential for marketing professionals to demonstrate return on marketing investment. 如何在全渠道诉求、社交兴起、个性化需求下,继续通过social、content、website、event等渠道更好地获得客户,以及对客户的孵化与转化,是亟待解决的问题。如何识别哪部分流量/粉丝中最有可能产生签字客户?如何根据潜客在认知、考虑、偏好等不同阶段制定不同的内容倾销策略?如何让内容营销不仅仅为品牌服务,更为业务服务?如何降低会议营销成本,并提高线上会议的ROI?如何提高赞助会议的产出回报?如何提高百度线索的转化率?如何参考国际公司的线索打分Lead Scoring,提高线索转化?如何做好市场销售协同,提高线索质量?SCRM自动化营销解决方案包括什么?

  • 2017-10-24 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • 北京致趣科技有限公司广州分公司

If foreign managers take on a leading position in a company in China, they have to make decisions on a daily basis to maintain the company’s operations. This seminar aims to give an overview of the main tax, finance and legal requirements for compliant business operations to all foreign decision makers in order to be prepared for the daily business tasks, and aims to raise awareness for potential pitfalls and risks in the course of running a business in China.

  • 2017-10-20 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • Kempinski Hotel Dalian

It is not easy for any company to identify the right talents when recruiting and in succession planning. Due to poorly conducted selection process, inadequate assessment methods many end up in wrong appointment incurring increased cost to replace and to retrain.

  • 2017-09-26 | 14:30 - 17:30
  • Courtesy of Siemens Guangzhou, Baiyun meeting room, Siemens Guangzhou office, fl. 10, Teemtower.

Seminar Objective In a knowledge-based economy, it is talent that differentiates companies. Talent-related issues must be a top priority for senior executives, who can no longer be complacent in recruiting, developing, and retaining high-potential employees and future leaders. Attracting the right talent and managing talent well creates value for companies. The purpose of this forum is to provide international insights on the following three aspects. So that they can revamp their talent management strategies and develop more innovative value propositions, in line with the changing economic landscape and a more global workforce, thus companies remain competitive.

  • 2017-09-22 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Room Mudan on the 4th floor of Shangri-La Shenyang

How is the new media impacting your company's communication strategy in lines of fire? How to get prepared and deal with consumer/customer complaints as well as negative media reports? With the booming of social media, how do big brands protect their brand reputation and rebuild image after crisis? What are the new trends of issues and crisis communication? What are the good tips to make comprehensive preparation to handle diverse issues? Join us in this semianr and check if your company is well prepared to handle issues or crisis.

  • 2017-09-20 | 14:00 - 17:15
  • Orange room,The Westin Guangzhou

China Customs published a series of compliance requirements for importers and exporters. With the ongoing reform of customs clearance processes and national integration Customs is dedicating more resources to risk management and post-clearance investigation, such as the national audit on royalties.

  • 2017-09-19 | 14:30 - 17:30
  • Courtesy of KPMG China, Training room 1&2, 22nd Floor, CTF Finance Center

China Customs published a series of compliance requirements for importers and exporters. With the ongoing reform of customs clearance processes and national integration Customs is dedicating more resources to risk management and post-clearance investigation, such as the national audit on royalties.

  • 2017-09-18 | 14:30 - 17:30
  • Courtesy of Exertis Supply Chain Service, 19/F AB, Tower A, Honglong Century Plaza
Shenyang > Seminars

Bodyguard-Biggest Hit Play 2017

Based on the Warner Bros. film written by the acclaimed, Oscar-nominated screen writer Lawrence Kasdan (Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Big Chill, The Empire Strikes Back), with a book by the Oscar-winning and Drama Desk Award-nominated Alexander Dinelaris, this extraordinary new production of THE BODYGUARD is directed by the award-winning Thea Sharrock(Sunshine Boys, Equus, The Misanthrope).

  • 2017-09-05 - 2017-09-10 | 19:00 - 21:30
  • Shengjing Grand Theatre