
2024 年度联合国妇女署亚太区WEPs奖项现已开放申请,奖项申请截止日期为7月15日。

  • 2024-07-15 | 00:00 - 00:00
  • Online

Badminton Tournament and Family Day, Nanjing Chapter's Signature Sports event, is BACK!

More awards, trophies, best Sportsmanship and Best Cheering Leader to win.

The event will take place on Saturday, June.8th, 2024, ONE DAY ONLY, in Nanjing.

  • 2024-06-08 | 08:30 - 16:30
  • Nanjing International School 南京国际外籍人员子女学校

We will hold 2024 HR Nanjing Forum Chair Elections

  • 2024-04-25 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office, Room 951

We will hold 2024 Finance and Taxation Nanjing Forum Chair and Vice Chair Elections

  • 2024-04-25 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office, Room 951

The European Chamber Nanjing is pleased to invite you to join the factory tour to Autoliv Nanjing, a digital and sustainable plant.

  • 2024-02-29 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Autoliv Nanjing Plant奥托立夫南京工厂

Bring your family and enjoy the magic of Christmas. 欢迎您及您的家人朋友共同前来体验圣诞的魅力!

  • 2018-12-08 | 10:00 - 20:00
  • People Square of Starmall

Aren't you looking forward to a weekend with true nature, bicycle race on the beach, live music, feast of food , five star hotel and informative seminar? Bring your family, invite your friends and partners to this exclusive occasion in Panjin only with the cost of the trip! 您是否期待一个亲近自然的周末,海滩上的自行车比赛,live乐队音乐,美食大餐,超五星级酒店和丰富多彩的企业参观和研讨会?带上您的家人,邀请您的朋友和伙伴来到盘锦参加这个独特的活动吧!

  • 2018-09-15 - 2018-09-16 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Panjin

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is honored to invite you to the AC Member & General Manager Breakfast from 7:30 to 9:30, 14th September, 2018 at Sofitel Shenyang Lido.

  • 2018-09-14 | 07:30 - 09:30
  • Sofitel Shenyang Lido

Supported by Liaoning People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Hungary Embassy in China and European Union Chamber Shenyang Chapter, hosted by Beijing Hungary Cultural Center and Silk Road Youth International Cultural and Art Exchange Center, and sponsored by Bank of China Liaoning Branch, Shenyang K11 Shopping Art Center and National Geographic Explorer Center, The "K Point Music Award" - China Hungarian Folk Song Competition for Liaoning Province Junior Children in 2018 was officially launched in Shenyang, Liaoning Province on August 26. As a sub-project of China (Liaoning) - Hungary Friendship Week in 2018, the "K Point Music Award" is the first time to introduce Hungarian music educator Kodai's educational concept of "natural singing" in China.

  • 2018-08-26 - 2018-10-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Shenyang K11 shopping Art Center沈阳K11购物艺术中心

The Chamber Briefing is installed by the German Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the European Chamber Nanjing and Amcham Nanjing Center in order to give member and non-member companies insights about current relevant issues in China, Shanghai and Nanjing. The cooperation of the three chambers allows to have different point of views on current developments relevant for foreign business in China.

  • 2018-06-20 | 17:00 - 18:30
  • Tab Planet