
[Advanced Manufacturing Series] Factory Tour to EF Electrical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd: a case study of efficient and target-orientated automation processes

  • 2023-04-21 | 10:00 - 13:30
  • EF Electrical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd 奥仕达电器(深圳)有限公司

Factory Visit - A Tour to AIRBUS(Tianjin) Final Assembly Co., Ltd. 工厂参观 - 空中客车(天津)总装有限公司

  • 2023-04-11 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • AIRBUS(Tianjin) Final Assembly Co., Ltd.

[Advanced Manufacturing Series] Factory Tour to Faytech (Huizhou): To learn about how they increased the level of their supply chain management by implementing Product Traceability systems and merging it with lean management, therefore enhancing product quality control.

  • 2023-03-24 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • (Huizhou) Faytech Tech. Co., Ltd. 惠州市飞帆泰科技有限公司

[Advanced Manufacturing Series] Factory Tour to Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care Company Ltd. of Zhuhai SEZ: a case study of automation, digitalisation and intellectualisation

  • 2023-03-02 | 13:45 - 16:00
  • Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care Company Ltd. of Zhuhai SEZ 珠海经济特区飞利浦家庭电器有限公司

The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter is delighted to invite you to a physical tour to Tianjin Ninghe district, for visiting two domestic private companies. Both of the companies have won National High-tech Company Award. They operate successfully in equipment manufacturing field, and their products have been well welcomed by their European customers.


  • 2023-02-23 | 12:00 - 17:30
  • Tianjin Ninghe District


  • 2018-12-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Guangzhou

中国的媒体传播长期以来是单向的,读者反馈机制不健全的。只到 2009 年新浪微博兴起,微博是中国新媒体时代的开端,真正为每一个独立的人提供了一个面向大众发声的渠道。随着微信公众号+朋友圈的出现,进一步使得每个独立个体都具备了“广播”的能力和工具,也使得个体的意见有了传播的可能性。手机 app 的大规模兴起,促使更多的内容平台重视了个体带来的社交和传播的流量,比如知乎、豆瓣等。而职业类社交 app 的兴起,如领英、脉脉,更让员工有机会把曾经的企业内幕暴露于大众之下。这种技术手段的改变,直接带来的后果就是:危机一旦出现,很有可能通过社交媒体实现快速传播,一旦进入到个体层面的自主传播,危机对于企业品牌的危害就直达个体层面,同时很有可能因企业的不当应对,引发二次甚至三次传播。对此,我们可以称为:不作不死,且作且死,覆水难收。移动时代的危机传播具有:几何级数的传播速度、跨圈层的传播范围、衍生话题的不可预知等特性。曾经的单一信源的传播形式下,企业只需要搞好媒体关系就可以预防大规模的舆论危机。然而在移动时代,蝴蝶效应确实存在,任何个人的爆料都可能引发一起大规模的舆论危机,案例太多了。危机已经不止是预警预防了,而是防不胜防,在这种情下,进一步提高对移动传播环境下的舆论危机的传播特点的了解就非常必要,同时,也需要掌握和了解相关的解决办法。

  • 2018-12-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • 广州

The European Chamber would like to invite you to a tour to visit two of the leading technology companies in China – Royole and Cogobuy/IngDan. Join us to find out how advanced flexible technologies and a supply chain-based open ecosystem are shaping the innovation landscape and industries now and in the future.

This event is an ideal opportunity to get to know China's leading innovative companies in Guangdong and to network with like-minded business people. Members First.

  • 2018-12-20 - 2018-12-20 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • 19F, High-Tech Zone Union Tower, 63 Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

Winter Festival 2018
ISA International School invites you to celebrate the holiday season with us at our annual Winter Festival.
Our theme: 'The Enchanted Forest'.

  • 2018-12-19 - 2018-12-19 | 14:00 - 20:00
  • 广州塔二层Canton Tower 2F

The Christmas month is coming! Which means our amazing CIS Winter Festival is just around the corner. It will be a fun filled family carnival. Our doors are open to all of our community members: neighbors, teachers, students, parents and friends!

  • 2018-12-15 - 2018-12-15 | 11:00 - 15:00
  • Canadian International School of Guangzhou