
National > Webinar

China 2022 – Perspectives from Experts on the Ground
Fully booked

The COVID-19 travel restrictions and lengthy quarantine requirements imposed by China made it nearly impossible for foreign executives to visit the country since the beginning of 2020. Two years into the pandemic, the impact of these restrictions is increasingly leading to a disconnect between headquarters and local business operations of foreign companies. Planned investments and the expansion of existing ones have been put on hold. At the same time, geopolitical tensions lead to the rise of anti-China sentiments in many countries, affecting decision-makers and boardrooms. A Pew Research Centre study from October 2020 showed that negative views on China have reached historic highs, even in countries with strong economic ties and traditionally good cultural and academic cooperation with China. According to the research, 71 % of German respondents and 85% of French respondents hold negative views on China.

In this German Chamber and European Chamber co-organized webinar, business leaders and economists based in China will share their views on the current business and political environment. We jointly invite our member companies as well as their headquarters in Europe to join and learn of the prospects for business growth and development, as speakers paint a realistic picture of doing business in China 2022.

  • 2022-01-13 | 16:00 - 17:15
  • Online
Members only

Often perceived as inspired by Germany’s Industry 4.0, China’s national strategy titled "Made in China 2025" was launched in 2015 to promote and support the development of advanced industries and technologies. The strategy identifies ten core industries, such as robotics, power equipment and next-generation IT, in which China wants to achieve major breakthroughs and create globally competitive companies. Six years later after its official launch, the strategy has moved from blueprint to implementation and been constantly updated.

  • 2022-01-12 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom Online/European Chamber Beijing Office C405

China New Employment Contract Law Seminar

  • 2007-08-17 |
  • China New Employment Contract Law Seminar

Inauguration of the State Demonstration Area of Equipment Manufacturing Development

  • 2007-06-08 |
  • Inauguration of the State Demonstration Area of Equipment Ma