
International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on 18th September, aims to promote the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. It further builds on the United Nations' commitment to human rights and against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination against women and girls.
Attaining equal pay stands as a significant milestone for both human rights and gender equality. The journey requires collective efforts from the global community—including businesses, workers' and employers' organisations—to champion pay parity for commensurate work. Nonetheless, there's more work ahead to further advance the economic empowerment of women.

  • 2023-09-25 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • Zoom/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405
South China > Other

Blood Donor Day 世界献血日

The European Chamber, in partnership with Residence G, is organizing an event to enable member company employees to donate blood, bearing minimal organizational constraints. As the winner of the 2023 European Chamber CSR Award, Residence G has been organizing blood donor days since 2018, under the leadership of General Manager Blandine Cressard.

The blood donation will take place on September 22nd, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, facilitated by the Shenzhen Blood Center in a hospital bus located on the left side of the Residence G Lobby entrance, between Residence G and Office Tower 2. The event will be hosted at Novel Park Residence G Shenzhen, with the address: 4078 Dongbin Road Nanshan District, Exit D/C, Metro Nanyou West Station (line 9), Nanshan Shekou, Shenzhen.

  • 2023-09-22 | 09:30 - 13:00
  • 永新汇深圳G公寓
Members only

The Art of Upward Management" will help students build upward management thinking, from two dimensions, eight aspects, focusing on cases, from theory, to method, from thinking, to behavior, from the scene, to the system, to help students improve the ability of upward management, so as to build a good working atmosphere, to achieve organizational goals, team goals, personal performance win-win situation.


  • 2023-09-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online

On 20th September, the European Chamber will publish its European Business in China Position Paper 2023/2024 (Position Paper 2023/2024), the culmination of nine months dedicated work by our 48 working groups, sub-working groups, desks, and fora. This year’s Executive Position Paper focuses on how China’s post-COVID-19 recovery has faltered and what Chinese policymakers can do to address this.

  • 2023-09-20 | 14:00 - 15:40
  • Zoom/European Chamber Office Beijing, Room C405

The technology behind generative artificial intelligence (AI)—which can produce content such as text, imagery and audio—is developing at astonishing speeds. Following the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, this and other generative AI applications such as Stable Diffusion and GitHub Copilot, have captured public attention worldwide, thanks to their wide utility.

While the full economic potential of this technology is yet to be tapped into, there are a host of considerations and concerns for businesses and governments to take into account in the era of generative AI, not to mention the potential for legal and regulatory challenges.

  • 2023-09-19 | 15:00 - 16:50
  • Zoom/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405


The European Chamber has collaborated with TUV Rheinland to offer manufacturing training programs. We believe this information will assist you in planning your employee training programs.

  • 2023-09-19 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc

Do you have concerns about Shenzhen's [2023]31 document, " Guidelines for the Application of Financial Subsidies for Individual Income Tax in the 2021 and 2022 Tax Years for Overseas High-end Talents and Scarcely Needed Talents in Shenzhen "? Are you worried about facing challenges during the application and review process for the fiscal subsidies for personal income tax in 2021 and 2022? If so, we have prepared a not-to-be-missed special seminar just for you!

Shenzhen has recently released a new version of the guidelines, making significant adjustments to qualifications for applicants, conditions for reporting entities, and required application materials. This means that you may encounter some confusion during your tax application process. To assist you in fully understanding the key policy points, sharing practical operational experiences, and ensuring the timely completion of your applications and reviews, the European Chamber of Commerce in South China is honoured to invite the Vice Chair of the Finance and Taxation Working Group, Janet Zhang, and experts from Deloitte China to delve into Shenzhen's new policies at this special seminar.

  • 2023-09-15 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • 9th Floor, China Resource Building, 5001 Shennan East Road, Shenzhen
Members only

Our EmpowerHER Workshop, presented by the European Chamber South China Chapter under the Women in Business initiative, is your gateway to honing leadership skills, amplifying professional prowess, and connecting with like-minded industry leaders. Immerse yourself in a transformative experience that goes beyond boundaries. Our mission is clear: to empower women in business, amplify their voices, and create a collaborative space for growth.

  • 2023-09-14 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Humansa ∣ Noah Healthcare · Gastrointestinal Endoscopy & Health Check Center
Members only

2023 has seen China’s continued regulatory efforts that could impact foreign companies’ investment decisions in the country – for example, the newly introduced Anti-espionage Law and the tighter supervision over data. At the same time, the government has also rolled out a series of measures to optimise the business environment for foreign investors in a bid to demonstrate its support of FDI. The complex context in China has led to lots of discussions on whether China is still an attractive investment destination, especially amid the global supply chain diversification trend post-COVID. How should we identify the real status of FDI in the Chinese market today and tomorrow?

  • 2023-09-13 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

Social media has become a fundamental part of corporate branding. In terms of social psychology, however, there is a fundamental difference between "fans" at the enterprise level and "personal fans" with personal IP and emotional adhesion. Corporate fans" are not "WeChat background fans" in the narrow sense. "Enterprise fans" refers to all potential customers and regular customers.
What we want to study is how the transition from shallow to deep awareness of a corporate brand affects the decision makers of the target segment and the context in which they make their decisions. What we mean by "enterprise fan operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers, acquire customers and increase the retention and conversion rate of existing customers.

  • 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • zoom online