
This webinar will help you identify the challenges and opportunities; understand the impact of new technologies; conceive and adapt your transformation strategies; and benchmark against other leading entities that are thriving on their digitalisation journey.

Join us on 23rd February to hear about the latest developments and best practices from our prominent group of industry players and supply chain practitioners.

  • 2023-02-23 | 16:00 - 17:40
  • ZOOM, online

Posters are commonly seen in our daily life. Products, characters and works may not be publicized without posters. But looking at the word poster, I always think it requires years of training in design. In fact, we can also make exquisite posters through Power Point through certain learning.


  • 2023-02-23 | 13:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

This course is a 3-day live online course. The aim of this training is to provide participants with a thorough grounding in the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the background to ISO 9001, its requirements and its role for companies. The aim of this training is to provide participants with a comprehensive grounding in the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Through the training, participants will be able to understand the ideas and methods for establishing and improving a quality management system, and be equipped to promote the system, maintain and continuously improve the management system through internal audits and other means. They will have the ability to maintain and continuously improve the management system through internal audits and other means.
本课程为 3 天在线直播课程。此培训的目的是帮助学员了解ISO9001:2015标准的全面基础知识,知晓ISO 9001的背景、条文要求及其对企业的作用。通过培训使学员了解建立和完善质量管理体系的思路和方法,具备体系推进,通过内部审核等手段维护及持续改进管理体系的能力。

  • 2023-02-22 - 2023-02-24 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

The financial breakfast on 18th February 2023 was themed on "How to control interest rate and exchange rate risk in enterprises and markets", the Financial Market Department Director of Bank of East Asia Shenyang Branch, Ms. Na Zhang was invited to deliver a brief speech on what measures should be taken to control the interest rate and exchange rate risk of enterprises and markets.

  • 2023-02-18 | 08:30 - 10:30
  • Conrad Hotel 88rd Floor / 沈阳康莱德酒店88层

Female leadership plays a significant role in leadership development. With the progress of society, the independence and self-consciousness of female groups are increasingly enhanced, and female leaders are more and more showing up on every stage of society, gradually becoming a force that cannot be ignored to promote social progress. However, there are still obvious difficulties in the development of female leadership, and most people still have cognitive biases towards female leadership. This prompts us to re-examine the situation and meaning of female leadership today.


  • 2023-02-17 | 14:00 - 18:00
  • Shenyang New World EXPO, 4th Floor, EXPO Gallery 沈阳新世界博览馆,4层,博览阁

"Amazon Reverse Working Method" is one of the innovation methodology and the most important success secrets of Amazon. From Kindle to Prime, smart speaker Alexa, AWS, Amazon features virtual press release and PRFAQ reverse working method from customers, giving birth to a large number of innovative projects to meet customer needs, which creates countless second curves on Amazon's path to becoming the world's most valuable company.

《亚马逊逆向工作法》是亚马逊的创新方法论和最重要的成功秘诀之一,从Kindle 到Prime、智能音箱 Alexa、AWS 等,亚马逊特色的从客户出发的虚拟新闻稿与常见问题(PRFAQ)逆向工作法,诞生了大量满足客户需求的创新项目,造就了亚马逊成为全球最高市值公司的无数个第二曲线。

  • 2023-02-15 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online Webinar

How to grasp the key to solve the problem in the first time?
How to remove the dilemma from decision-making?
How can you make your intentions clear to others in a short time?
How to write without piling up words and clutter?
Structural thinking and expression -- Use logic to enhance persuasion provides you with practical and effective methods and tools.


  • 2023-02-15 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • Online Training

This online training camp will help you solve the following problems
1. Repetitive work takes up most of the time
Python can help you if a lot of repetitive basic work is carried out every day. The large number of work can be done in a few minutes using python.
2.Python is needed to improve work efficiency
Python can help you quickly create, search and query files, process the relevant modules of Excel files, introduce the installation, program to generate excel charts and reports, read and automatically send e-mails and conduct text analysis.
3. Need to improve their core competitiveness
Python can improve your work efficiency and get the core competitiveness of the workplace.

  • 2023-02-15 - 2023-04-14 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online

Energy is an important material foundation for national economic and social development. Energy conservation is a systematic and comprehensive work. Due to the lack of scientific energy management concepts, mechanisms and methods that are interrelated, mutually restricted and mutually promoted, energy management will be disjointed. Make energy use without basis, distribution without quota, assessment without measurement, management without plan, loss without supervision, energy saving without measures, waste without management and other phenomena. One of the key factors in developing low carbon economy and building green factories is to optimize energy structure, improve energy utilization efficiency and strengthen energy conservation. Among all kinds of energy-saving measures, the establishment of energy management system is one of the most widely promoted energy-saving measures. Some forward-thinking organizations established energy management team, in energy management, gradually realize the development and application of energy saving technology and equipment is just one aspect of energy conservation, pure rely on energy saving technology is not the final solution to the contradiction between supply and demand of energy and sustainable energy performance improvement, energy management system construction becomes the key to energy management.


  • 2023-02-15 - 2023-02-17 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

The work of government affairs (GA) is often compared to “building a rainbow bridge of communication and cooperation between the government and enterprises”. In fact, for the GA departments of multi-national companies (MNCs), the “external communication” with Chinese government agencies only accounts for half of their daily work, while the other half of GA work, the “internal communication” within the company, is the basic guarantee and core power to determine the effectiveness of external work, which is equally important and difficult!

Therefore, the full understanding and cooperation of the company’s senior managements and the heads of various business departments is of great strategic significance for promoting the smooth development of GA and giving full play to the value of GA function.

This course takes the actual needs of MNCs’ government communication as the background, starts with introducing the value of GA to the MNCs, summarizes and analyzes various GA work structures of MNCs, as well as communication methods for coordinating and cooperating with business work under different circumstances, and on this basis, analyzes the cross-cultural communication scenarios with senior leaders of the MNCs, and describes how to grasp strategic development opportunities.

In terms of content, it strives to combine theory with practice, aiming to help GA practitioners, relevant executives, and business leaders to promote mutual understanding and cooperation with more accurate, efficient, and systematic internal communication, so as to further facilitate good communication and cooperation between MNCs and Chinese government agencies on business needs.

At the beginning of a new year, before the convening of 2023 “Two Sessions”, we hope this course could provide effective reference for GA professionals to formulate work planning and internal reporting plans, and do a good job of internal communication at the new year by sharing various MNCs’ GA planning methods/ cases, as well as practical experiences in specific program cooperation.






  • 2023-02-15 | 09:20 - 16:30
  • Zoom 会议