
In order to enrich the spare time cultural life and strengthen the communication between the new and old friends of various chambers, the European Chamber, the Hong Kong Chamber of Liaoning, the American Chamber and the German Chamber jointly organized this fellowship activity.

  • 2022-10-21 | 18:00 - 21:00
  • Shenyang Shangri-La Hotel, 1st Floor, CAFÉ LIAO沈阳香格里拉酒店一楼辽咖啡自助餐厅

Excel - Efficient Application Tips

  • 2022-10-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online

Onsite Efficiency Improvement and Cost Control is a training specially designed for companies who'd like to improve their onsite work efficiency since production site is also known as the profit resource of a company.


  • 2022-10-21 - 2022-10-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training (2 days)


When it comes to performance management, most people think of KPI first. However, due to various reasons, most people's perception of KPI is negative. In recent years, many companies are trying to find an alternative tool for KPI, so OKR begins to get attention. As a performance management tool, OKR has been widely used in Intel, Google and other companies as early as the 1990s, and has produced good results in these companies. But why has OKR not been paid more attention and considered as an alternative to KPI until these years? In addition, recently, it has been rumored that Google will replace OKR with a new performance management method called GRAD, which is more focused on tracking employee growth, learning and progress. Why?

People's negative cognition of KPI mainly comes from two aspects: one is most people only pay attention to some points of KPI in application, which makes the performance management system behind KPI fail to play its due effect; another is with the improvement of people's knowledge level and enterprises' dependence on talents, some factors of performance management system are also changing. The most important point is to pay more attention to the growth of talents, but most people's understanding of performance management is still stuck in a dozen or even decades ago.

Based on years of research and consulting practice, combined with the traditional idea of performance management and the transformation of the current enterprise environment, we put forward the C-PDCA-S model of high order performance management. From awareness and cognition, to operation mechanism, and then to the connection with talent development, performance management shows a new panorama that attaches more importance to talent development and puts people first. We believe that as long as all points in this panorama are combined to exert the overall effect, performance management system can play the maximum value.


谈到绩效管理,大多数人首先想到的是 KPI,但是因为种种原因大多数人对 KPI 的认知是负面的,近几年很多公司都在尝试寻找 KPI 的替代工具,于是 OKR 开始受到关注,其实,OKR 作为一种绩效管理的工具早在上世纪九十年代已经在英特尔、谷歌等公司获得广泛的应用,并在这些公司产生了不错的效果,但是为什么直到这几年 OKR 才被更多的关注并被认为可以替代 KPI 呢?另一方面,近期,谷歌内部传出要用被称为 GRAD 这个更专注于跟进员工的成长、学习和进步的新绩效管理方式替代 OKR,这又是为什么呢?

人们对 KPI 的负面认知主要来自两个方面:一是多数人在实际运用中只是注重 KPI 的某些点,而使得 KPI 背后的绩效管理体系没有发挥出应有的效果;二是随着人们知识水平的提高,以及企业对人才依赖,绩效管理体系的一些因素也正在发生变化,这里面最重要的点是更关注人才的成长,但是多数人对绩效管理的认识还停留在十几甚至几十年前。

在多年的研究和咨询实践基础上,结合传统绩效管理的思想以及当前企业环境的转变,我们提出了高阶绩效管理——绩效赋能体系的 C-PDCA-S 模型,从实施绩效管理应具备的意识和认知,到绩效管理的运行机制,再到同人才发展的对接展示了一张更重视人才发展、以人为本的新绩效管理全景图,我们相信,只要这张全景图中的所有点结合在一起发挥整体效应,绩效管理体系就能发挥最大价值。

  • 2022-10-20 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online Webinar

High-performing people are often expected to "think and see problems well, and make and act decisively". In the face of a diverse and rapidly changing business environment, if our thinking technology stagnates in place, we often do more with less effort and fail to reap the desired returns. For example, new knowledge cannot be grasped for a while, and the knowledge system cannot be updated quickly enough. embarrassment; new tasks, unable to plan the overall situation like a conductor, would rather use trivial matters to avoid deep thinking; new ideas, failing to arouse the interest of the audience, may miss out with more resources. These challenges related to the underlying thinking power involve the process of information from "deconstruction" to "reconstruction" and then to "focusing". In this process, how to consciously cultivate and build an efficient thinking engine suitable for the workplace? We can use mind mapping professionally to provide continuous impetus for the thinking process and to meet new challenges with an open mind.

高效能人士常常被寄予厚望:“既能周密地思考和看待问题,又能果断做出决定并付诸实践”。面对多元而变化飞速的商业环境,若我们的思考技术停滞在原地,常常力倍功半,未能收获理想回报,例如:新的知识,一时间无法抓住要点,面临知识体系更新不够快速的尴尬;新的任务,无法像指挥家一样,统筹规划全局,宁肯用琐碎事务来避开深度思考;新的想法,未能引起受众的兴趣,可能与更多的资源失之交臂。这些与底层思考力有关的挑战,都包含对资讯从“解构”到“重构”,再到“聚焦”的过程。 在这个进程中,如何有意识地培养和打造适用于职场的高效思考引擎?我们可以专业地运用导图思考法,为思考进程提供连续不断的动力,以开放的心态迎接各种新挑战。

  • 2022-10-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar

After training, learners can: clarify what is effective cross-cultural communication, and actively build the IP (International Propriety) of individuals and teams: cultural brand. Identify the appearance and root causes of conflict in intercultural communication. Construct the core scene of cross-cultural communication and conduct targeted training. Feedback and coaching to deepen the application harvest.

经过培训,学习者能够:明确什么是有效的跨文化交流,积极打造个人和团队的 IP(International Propriety):文化品牌。识别跨文化交流中的冲突的表象和根本原因。建构跨文化交流的核心场景并进行针对性训练。深化应用收获的反馈和辅导。

  • 2022-10-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to the Finance & Taxation Working Group meeting “Digitalize Your Business in China: Roll out of e-invoice system in China”, which is taking place on 14:30-16:00 Thursday, 20th October 2022, online.

  • 2022-10-20 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • Online - Zoom Platform
Members only

This workshop will introduce how to use MBTI to understand and develop employees

【Training Objects】

HR, trainers, guiders, managers at all levels

【Course Objectives】

To have a preliminary but correct understanding of MBTI and how to apply MBTI to understand and develop employees


本体验课程将介绍如何应用 MBTI 来认识员工和发展员工




对 MBTI 有一个初步但正确的理解,了解如何应用 MBTI 来认识员工和发展员工

  • 2022-10-19 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online Webinar

Energy is an important material foundation for national economic and social development. Energy conservation is a systematic and comprehensive work. Due to the lack of scientific energy management concepts, mechanisms and methods that are interrelated, mutually restricted and mutually promoted, energy management will be disjointed. Make energy use without basis, distribution without quota, assessment without measurement, management without plan, loss without supervision, energy saving without measures, waste without management and other phenomena. One of the key factors in developing low carbon economy and building green factories is to optimize energy structure, improve energy utilization efficiency and strengthen energy conservation. Among all kinds of energy-saving measures, the establishment of energy management system is one of the most widely promoted energy-saving measures. Some forward-thinking organizations established energy management team, in energy management, gradually realize the development and application of energy saving technology and equipment is just one aspect of energy conservation, pure rely on energy saving technology is not the final solution to the contradiction between supply and demand of energy and sustainable energy performance improvement, energy management system construction becomes the key to energy management.


  • 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

The wave of digitalization is breaking everything, refreshing everything, and reshaping everything. The digital transformation of enterprises is no longer a solution that "seems to be tried", but an era trend that "must be achieved with all efforts". How to equip enterprise employees with corresponding data skills to match the overall development requirements of the enterprise has become a problem that every enterprise that wants to achieve digital transformation must face.

数字化浪潮正在打破一切、刷新一切、重塑一切。企业数字化转型已经不是一个”好像可以尝试“的解决方案了, 而是一个”必须全力达成“的时代趋势。如何让企业员工具备相应的数据技能,匹配企业的整体发展要求,就成为了每个想要实现数字化转型的企业必须面对的问题。

  • 2022-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar