
At least 45, or more than half of China’s largest cities, have experienced or are currently undergoing lockdowns since Omicron began to spread in China. The responses of city governments to local outbreaks has varied from localized building or district-level lockdowns, to shuttering the whole city.

As Beijing has doubled down repeatedly on its Zero-Covid policy, businesses should resign themselves to potentially disruptive lockdowns for the foreseeable future – potentially until Spring 2023.

Whether companies are based in a city that has not yet experienced a local outbreak or are currently in the midst of one, they must consider their business strategy and adapt to the challenge of short-term uncertainty. It is best to have contingencies in place for labor, supply and cash flow in the event of local prevention measures.

In this webinar, Kyle Freeman, Partner at Dezan Shira & Associates, will discuss China’s Zero-COVID policy, the lockdown situation in China, and its implications for businesses.

  • 2022-06-09 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

随着新技术加速发展、全球经济低迷及国内经济转型升、市场竞争持续加剧、内外部商业生态呈现新态势,企业经营与管理都面临空前挑战。基于新技术发展趋势和客户新需求,开展企业产品与商业模式创新势在必行。 本课程整合力全球创新理论、前沿方法论、商业案例及10多年实践经验,力求在有限的时间内,将对创新实践最关键的核心概念、流程方案和企业实践案例,呈现给课程参与者,帮助学习者建立系统而非零散的知识与方法论体系。With the accelerated development of new technologies, the global economic downturn and the domestic economic transformation, market competition continues to intensify, the internal and external business ecology is showing new dynamics, and enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in their operation and management. Based on new technological trends and new customer needs, it is imperative to innovate corporate products and business models. This course integrates global innovation theories, cutting-edge methodologies, business cases and more than 10 years of practical experience, aiming to present the most critical core concepts, process solutions and corporate practice cases to the course participants in a limited time, helping learners to build a system rather than a fragmented knowledge and methodology system.

  • 2022-06-09 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

销售无处不在,如何精确找到目标客户,如何快速与客户建立关系,如何挖掘客户隐性需求,如何快速影响客户购买行为决策,本课程旨在帮助销售人员理解销售的底层逻辑,帮助销售人员掌握高级销售技能,从而轻松实现销售业绩突破。Sales is everywhere, how to accurately find the target customers, how to quickly build relationships with customers, how to tap into the hidden needs of customers, how to quickly influence customers' purchasing behavior decisions. This course is designed to help sales personnel understand the underlying logic of sales, help sales personnel master advanced sales skills, in order to easily achieve sales performance breakthroughs.

  • 2022-06-08 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

Production managers are occupied by issues such as being short of hands and materials, clients continuously pushing for delivery. All these may be due to problems in production planning and inventory control. How to make a thoughtful and comprehensive production planning and to decrease inventory has become the top priority of production and operation management, and this is also an important part of integral supply chain management. Facing strong market competition as well as diversified and personalized customer needs, companies have to arrive at a production planning that meets the needs of customers. Shorten order cycle, reduce inventory turnover and improve customer satisfaction in delivery.


  • 2022-06-04 - 2022-06-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar


  • 2022-05-30 - 2022-05-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

• 熟练掌握设计思路清晰、逻辑明确的报告框架的工具和方法
• 掌握有效处理文字、数据、图片、视频的方法和呈现技巧,提升信息呈现力
• 掌握 PPT 演示技巧,呈现完美的工作汇报

  • 2022-05-24 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar

“伟大的 CEO 就是伟大的教练。” ——通用电气前 CEO 杰克·韦尔奇

企业发展早期,很大程度上要靠创始人、合伙人个人英雄驱动,但这却成为企业下一个阶段发展的瓶颈, 很多企业发展都卡在了这个地方,无法迈向团队的有效管理。

如何从个人英雄到团队英雄,聚焦于人而不是事,通过帮助每一个员工的成长,让团队把业务做好,取得 组织目标的成功?这是作为创始人、管理者最重要的课题,同时也是公司实现从个人能力到团队能力、组 织能力的关键。

全球领导力大师詹姆斯•M•库泽斯和巴里•Z•波斯纳(James M•Kouzes & Barry Z•Posner)认为: 领导力就是动员大家为了共同的愿景而努力奋斗的艺术。在知识经济时代,现代组织的管理模式已经从传 统企业对流水线和组织流程的控制型、教训型管理向激发员工参与、追求企业和员工价值共同实现的支持 型、教练型管理转化。教练型领导力作为新时代的领导力利器,在帮助下属或团队提升执行力、激发下属 工作动力、清晰愿景、达成目标等方面具有非常卓越的效果。

“教练”源于体育,是带领运动员及团队夺冠军、拿金牌的重要支持者。世上顶尖的网球手、高尔夫球手 和其他竞技项目的运动员都有教练。在管理领域,教练同样不可或缺:在你成为领导者之前,成功的概念 只局限于你自己,是你在职权范围之内所表现出来的业绩、贡献度和问题解决能力等;但是,在你成为领 导者之后,你的成功就取决于如何帮助他人成功。领导者的成功指的不是你在做什么,而是你领导的团队 能取得什么样的成果。

这门《教练型领导力》课程,就是要帮助企业管理者掌握最实用的教练技术,实现从亲力亲为的个人贡献 者到赋能他人的管理者再到成果导向的领导者的跃迁。

  • 2022-05-24 - 2022-05-25 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

Middle and grass-roots managers are the mainstay of enterprises. Based on years of counseling experience and research feedback on a large number of manufacturing enterprises, this webinar obtains the specific pain points for middle and grass-roots managers to improve their management skills. For example: how to effectively analyze the reasons behind and deal with the typical resignation of key employees? How to clearly analyze the performance problems of subordinates and find improvement methods? What is the effective management strategy in the face of cooperation objects with low cooperation? How to use it? This course focuses on 13 typical scenes that middle and grass-roots managers will encounter, so as to comprehensively and quickly improve the management skills and awareness of managers.


  • 2022-05-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar


  • 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-19 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online webinar

As the pandemic chills down, the Annual General Meeting of European Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter finally comes late. As the first offline activity of Shenyang Chapter in 2022, the conference will be grandly held in the Ballroom on the 3rd floor of Conrad Hotel from 17:00 to 19:20 on May 17 (Tuesday), followed by a rich buffet for all leaders and friends from governments and companies.

The AGM will review the course of Shenyang Chapter in the past year and look forward to the working focuses this year. The Board Members of Shenyang Chapter will share around relevant work priorities.

  • 2022-05-17 | 17:00 - 22:00
  • Conrad Hotel 3rd Floor Ball Room/沈阳康莱德酒店三层大宴会厅