

The European Chamber of Commerce in China has cooperated with TUV to implement a series of training courses. In order to help our members formulate the training plans for 2021, we hereby provide you with a list of TUV training series. If you need more details of the courses, please contact Ms. Mo Jingqian, events manager of the European Chamber of Commerce in China.

  • 2021-02-01 - 2021-02-28 | 09:00 - 22:00
  • Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc


A series of TÜV PersCert Quality Management Series - Quality Managent Trainings will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-01-20 - 2021-06-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • 广州;深圳 等
South China > Working Group Meeting

HR Roundtable - Discussion on Hiring and Retention for Manufacturing Companies in 2021
Fully booked

The European Chamber is pleased to invite our members to an online discussion for manufacturing companies on hiring and retention of blue and white collar workers in 2021. We encourage participants to engage each other and offer each other suggestions and solutions to problems they have encountered last year and potential issues in the future.

  • 2021-01-14 | 14:00 - 15:00
  • Online
Members only
South China > Other


PMI.经过多年调查发现某些特殊项目因需求不断地变更,“先做计划再做事”的思维对项目推动有限。因此,PMI.提倡采用敏捷(Agile)的方法管理变动的项目,并从2011年开始正式推出PMI AgileCertified Practitioner(PMI-ACP.)认证,使项目经理能够具备快速应变的能力。同时帮助项目管理从业人员从容应对团队需求改变与具备快速应变能力,帮助项目团队顺利交付商业价值,满足客户的期望和需求。

PMI-ACP 是目前敏捷领域知识面广、权威度高的敏捷项目管理内容学习,中国参加认证考试的人数每年正以100%的速度增长。截止2019年7月, 全球ACP认证人数为3万余人,中国大陆占6千余人。

  • 2021-01-12 - 2021-02-25 | 90:01
  • online

MinCEO战略管理-竞争对手与竞品分析 训练营
一个帮企业解决 where to play 和 how to win 的课程
MinCEO strategic management - competitor and competitive product analysis training camp helps enterprises to solve the courses of where to play and how to win

  • 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-28 | 19:00 - 20:30
  • Online

课程概述 course overview
在视觉思维大行其道的当下,PPT 已然成为了最高效的沟通工具之一。
With the popularity of visual thinking, PPT has become one of the most efficient communication tools.

然而,大多数人提升 PPT 的方法是苦练软件操作技巧,做出来的 PPT 色彩缤纷,却毫无逻辑和重点。表达时没有掌握演讲的心法,让沟通流于形式。
However, the way most people improve PPT is to practice software operation skills, and the PPT produced is colorful, but without logic and emphasis. Did not master the mentality of speech when expressing, let the communication become a formality.

PPT 与演讲的精髓,在于逻辑的梳理和情绪的营造。旨在通过恰如其分的视觉呈现和重点突出的沟通表达,来获取观众的支持。
The essence of PPT and speech lies in logical combing and emotional creation. It aims to obtain the support of the audience through appropriate visual presentation and focused communication.

This course starts from logical conception, design optimization, presentation and speech, and helps companies achieve the training goals of improving communication efficiency internally and corporate image externally, and creating a strong influence for enterprises and individuals.

  • 2021-01-09 - 2021-01-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Shenzhen

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展IM 工业4.0及智能制造系列课程,以下是1月-6月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of Mechatronic Operators lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-01-04 - 2021-06-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc
South China > Training

CQI 特殊过程系列

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展CQI 特殊过程系列课程,以下是1月-6月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of CQI special process lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-01-04 - 2021-06-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc
South China > Training

WED 焊接系列

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展WED 焊接系列系列机电系列课程,以下是1月-6月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of WED lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-01-04 - 2021-06-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc
South China > Training

MM 管理实务/领导力系列

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展MM 管理实务/领导力系列系列课程,以下是1月-6月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of MM management and leadershipership lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-01-04 - 2021-06-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc