
Enhance the ability of logical thinking; Improve the efficiency of communication; Accumulate the valuable know-how. 能够在日常的口头和书面沟通中,保证效率和效果,能使他人更好的理解并记忆自己的观点; 能够形成科学严谨的思维习惯,建立彼此交流时有共同的思维和语言平台; 能够在写作中使文章观点更明确,结构更严密,表达更清晰.

  • 2022-01-06 - 2022-01-07 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • online training

Structural Thinking:Think more clearly, express more accurately.

  • 2022-01-06 - 2022-01-07 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online

Venture capitalist Marc Andreesen famously said, "software eats the world". And this has been the experience of management teams in media, communications, retail, and increasingly healthcare. But everyone gets a turn and manufacturing is next. And China is arguably the most important frontier in "software eats manufacturing".

  • 2022-01-06 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Microsoft Teams Link

PMP 认证是PMI 协会在全球推出的“项目管理知识能力的资格认证”,已经在206 个国家和地区同步认证,我国国家认可、企业重视,76%的组织优先考虑持PMP 证书的专业人才。

  • 2022-01-04 - 2022-03-21 | 19:30 - 21:30
  • online training


  • 2022-01-04 - 2022-03-12 | 19:30 - 20:30
  • Online
Shanghai > Other

Pharmaceutical WG Meeting

Pharmaceutical Working Group

  • 2006-12-16 | 14:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only
Southwest China > Social

United Chamber Christmas Party

United Chamber Christmas Party is going to be held on Dec.15.

  • 2006-12-15 | 18:30
  • 5th Floor,Kempinski Hotel

Nanjing Chapter 100th Member Celebration and Christmas Party

  • 2006-12-15 | 19:00
  • Nanjing Chapter 100th Member Celebration and Christmas Party

Breakfast Seminar

  • 2006-12-15 | 08:20
  • Sheraton Great Wall Hotel, Beijing
Beijing > Other

Pharmaceutical Working Group Meeting

Pharmaceutical Working Group Meeting

  • 2006-12-15 | 14:00
  • European Chamber Office, Beijing & Shanghai
Members only