
We are very glad to invite you to join a meeting with Shanghai Environment & Energy Exchange (SEEE) on 12th August to have a steeper exchange with the experts of SEEE.

  • 2021-09-15 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange 上海环境能源交易所
Members only

In order to better serve and support the development of Shanghai new energy industry and continuously attract foreign investment, this ESG seminar "New Energy and Carbon Neutrality" promotion conference is jointly organised by Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, co-organised by PwC. During the conference, the new energy industry development in Shanghai and the foreign investment environment and policies in Shanghai will be introduced to key foreign enterprises to increase awareness on ESG investment incentives.
Led by the European Chamber Energy Working Group, our two Vice Chairs Mickael Naouri, Vice Chair of Energy Working Group, European Chamber (Air Liquide Corporate Affairs Director) and Juan Ignacio Garcia de Motiloa, Vice Chair of Energy Working Group, European Chamber (Iraeta Energy Equipment Vice President) will present keynote speeches at this conference. Government Officials from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and Shanghai Lujiazui Financial City Development Bureau will be present to engage in 1v1 and roundtable discussions on future collaborations in light of China's ambitious carbon neutrality pledge for 2060.

  • 2021-09-07 - 2021-09-07 | 09:00 - 11:30
  • PwC Innovation Centre, Shanghai, Huangpu District, Xintiandi 3rd Floor W18
Members only

Corporate Compliance Trainings: Why They Matter and What to Expect

  • 2021-06-11 - 2021-06-11 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Zoom, European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only





  • 2021-04-28 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

The Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining Working Group is pleased to invite you to its 2021/2022 Elections and Position Paper discussion on Wednesday 10th March 10am-12pm (GMT+8:00, China time) at the European Chamber’s Shanghai and Beijing offices, as well as online via Zoom.

  • 2021-03-10 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Beijing and Shanghai Offices | Zoom webinar
Members only

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite you to a visit to Covestro Shanghai Integrated Site and Suez’s SCIP SITA’s hazardous waste incineration plant, both located in the Shanghai Chemicals Industry Park (SCIP).

  • 2021-01-20 | 07:30 - 14:45
  • Meeting Point: European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shanghai office

The Finance & Taxation and Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Refining Working Groups are delighted to be welcoming an official from the State Taxation Administration to discuss Consumption Tax (CT) in China, with a particular focus on the impact of CT reform on the petrochemical industry.

  • 2020-12-18 - 2020-12-18 | 15:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

During this meeting, Mr Kai-Sebastian Melzer, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at Nickel Institute, will introduce the overall structure of Regulatory Management Option Analysis and reflect on some weaknesses and possible further improvements. Mr David Chen, China Public Policy Manager at Nickel Institute, will discuss how RMOA can fit into China’s regulatory framework of chemicals management.

  • 2020-12-14 | 14:00 - 15:15
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204
Members only

Does your enterprise transport dangerous good in China? Are you involved in hazardous management, EHS management, tracking of legal requirements or logistics for hazardous good?

We are delighted to invite you to attend our upcoming joint working group meeting on the safety of dangerous goods transport by road on 24th November, 14:00 – 17:30.

China’s transport ministry – along with five other ministries – published measures governing the safe transport of dangerous goods by road, which came into force on 1 January 2020. Currently, the transport of some disinfectants, perfumes and other small products containing chemicals, such as aerosols and chemical reagents, must be transported by specialist vehicles designed to move dangerous goods. The new measures, however, allow an exemption for small quantities of dangerous goods that meet certain requirements.

The European Chamber is honored to welcome Mr. Wu Jinzhong, Head of the expert group on road transport of dangerous goods, Ministry of transport, as well as industry professionals Ms. Jingzu Li, Project Director of Improve the Safety of Dangerous Goods Transportation in China of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Mr. Chenfeng Shen, General Manager of GBK China Co. Ltd. to share with our member their experience and insights on dangerous goods transportation management.

  • 2020-11-24 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • ZOOM Online & Onsite
Members only

Does your enterprise transport dangerous good in China? Are you involved in hazardous management, EHS management, tracking of legal requirements or logistics for hazardous good?

We are delighted to invite you to attend our upcoming joint working group meeting on the safety of dangerous goods transport by road on 24th November, 14:00 – 17:30.

China’s transport ministry – along with five other ministries – published measures governing the safe transport of dangerous goods by road, which came into force on 1 January 2020. Currently, the transport of some disinfectants, perfumes and other small products containing chemicals, such as aerosols and chemical reagents, must be transported by specialist vehicles designed to move dangerous goods. The new measures, however, allow an exemption for small quantities of dangerous goods that meet certain requirements.

The European Chamber is honored to welcome Mr. Wu Jinzhong, Head of the expert group on road transport of dangerous goods, Ministry of transport, as well as industry professionals Ms. Jingzu Li, Project Director of Improve the Safety of Dangerous Goods Transportation in China of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Mr. Chenfeng Shen, General Manager of GBK China Co. Ltd. to share with our member their experience and insights on dangerous goods transportation management.

  • 2020-11-24 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • ZOOM Online & Onsite
Members only