
Despite the ongoing challenges of Covid-19 and the resulting economic fluctuations over the past two years, the new energy sector has continued to see staggering growth, including electric vehicles, which set new records in Chinese sales in the past year. The rapid growth of offshore wind energy and solar PV in recent years has breathed hope into global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Whether it be at COP26 or in China’s 14th FYP, one message always rings clear: the new energy sector is key to tackling climate change and reaching carbon neutrality, and its growth is only the beginning of the global shift towards sustainable practices.

Understanding the growth of the renewable energy sector gives us reason to be more optimistic about how fast it can ramp up to meet carbon neutrality goals in the future. As Chinese and European companies lead in the transition towards green energy, the European Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to discuss the outlook of the new energy industry in China and its impact on corporations as well as policy structures. This workshop will explore challenges and best practices involving green transition and carbon neutrality in China, and provide insights into the future of green energy.

  • 2022-01-24 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

Extensive power cuts have and are continuing to cripple critical industrial outputs and create instability for the business landscape in China. With increased pressure from authorities to meet targets for energy reduction, the current power shortages experienced across the nation are at the forefront of China’s Carbon neutrality ambitions to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and ultimately achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Issues are exacerbated by insufficient new energies power supply and surging prices of coal/gas that increase costs for power producers that will likely to persist this coming winter. However, we need to ensure that there is a balance between Energy Security and China’s long term carbon neutrality targets through a more sustainable approach.

  • 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-03 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Office, Shanghai
Members only

Europe’s Transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry
With the EU Commission presidency of Ursula von der Leyen in 2019, the European Green Deal was announced to transform the EU economy into a climate-neutral and sustainable economy and to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. One important part of the European Green Deal is the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) which is bringing in fundamentally new concepts like Safe and Sustainable by-Design and Essential Use as a legal requirement. Further on well-established concepts mainly under the REACH Regulation and CLP Regulation will be strengthened resulting in decisive restrictions of entire substance groups. This seminar will discuss the latest developments since the publication of the CSS in October 2020 with two experts from Merck.

  • 2021-10-28 - 2021-10-28 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, 22nd Floor, Room 2204
Members only

We are very glad to invite you to join a meeting with Shanghai Environment & Energy Exchange (SEEE) on 12th August to have a steeper exchange with the experts of SEEE.

  • 2021-09-15 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange 上海环境能源交易所
Members only

In order to better serve and support the development of Shanghai new energy industry and continuously attract foreign investment, this ESG seminar "New Energy and Carbon Neutrality" promotion conference is jointly organised by Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, co-organised by PwC. During the conference, the new energy industry development in Shanghai and the foreign investment environment and policies in Shanghai will be introduced to key foreign enterprises to increase awareness on ESG investment incentives.
Led by the European Chamber Energy Working Group, our two Vice Chairs Mickael Naouri, Vice Chair of Energy Working Group, European Chamber (Air Liquide Corporate Affairs Director) and Juan Ignacio Garcia de Motiloa, Vice Chair of Energy Working Group, European Chamber (Iraeta Energy Equipment Vice President) will present keynote speeches at this conference. Government Officials from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and Shanghai Lujiazui Financial City Development Bureau will be present to engage in 1v1 and roundtable discussions on future collaborations in light of China's ambitious carbon neutrality pledge for 2060.

  • 2021-09-07 - 2021-09-07 | 09:00 - 11:30
  • PwC Innovation Centre, Shanghai, Huangpu District, Xintiandi 3rd Floor W18
Members only

The path to net zero travels through a new legal landscape with rapidly changing requirements, stricter obligations, and unforeseen risks. But on this path, there are also new opportunities and incentives. Climate leadership strengthens brands, improves employee loyalty, and attracts customers and partners. Organisations that build climate-positive action into their core strategies outperform those that do not. This environment Working Group meeting will touch upon various issues including an overview of the international legal framework of climate change, the EU Green Deal and some examples of national climate law.

  • 2021-08-25 - 2021-08-25 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Shanghai Chamber Office, 22nd Floor, Room 2204 and ONLINE (Zoom)
Members only

Corporate Compliance Trainings: Why They Matter and What to Expect

  • 2021-06-11 - 2021-06-11 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Zoom, European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

Energy and Environment Working Groups Onsite meeting: China's Energy Development Trends

  • 2021-04-12 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

We are delighted to invite you to our next meeting regarding low carbon and energy saving hosted together with the Changning District government. The meeting will start with a tour on the Big Hongqiao Business Service Centre established last week. Then we will visit the Envision Group, a greentech company that designs, sells, and operates smart wind turbines, AIoT-powered batteries and the world’s largest AIoT operating system.

  • 2021-04-01 | 12:30 - 16:00
  • Dahongqiao Business Service Centre
Members only

The Energy Working Group is pleased to invite you to its 2021/2022 Elections and Position Paper discussion on Thursday, 11th March 15:00 to 18:00 (GMT+8:00, China time) at the European Chamber’s Shanghai and Beijing offices, as well as online via Zoom.

  • 2021-03-11 | 15:00 - 18:00
  • European Chamber Beijing and Shanghai Offices | Zoom webinar
Members only