European Chamber Welcomes the State Council’s Decision to Improve Internet Speeds Go back »

2015-05-21 | All chapters

Premier Li Keqiang’s assurance that the development of China’s national broadband network will be accelerated is an affirmation that China is pursuing innovation-driven growth.

In response to the State Council’s recent statements, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke said, “Slow, unreliable and restricted Internet access strongly deters foreign companies from undertaking R&D investment in China. This is something that has long needed addressing, perhaps more so now in light of China’s ambitious ‘Internet+’ and ‘Made in China 2025’ agendas for economic development.”

President Wuttke continued, “While the upgrading of China’s broadband networks can go a long way in increasing domestic Internet speed, improvements to China’s Internet apparatus must not stop here. Equally important is guaranteeing unrestricted access to legitimate online content that businesses need to conduct their day-to-day operations. This issue also needs to be tackled.”


For more information please contact

Max Merkle

Xinhe Fan