European Chamber statement on the European Commission’s launch of a probe under its International Procurement Instrument into China’s procurement of medical devices Go back »

2024-04-25 | All chapters

A lack of fair access to government procurement in China has been a longstanding issue for European companies operating in the country. It has been a key advocacy topic for the European Chamber’s Healthcare Equipment Working Group since the launch of the China Manufacturing 2025 initiative in 2015, which included market share targets for domestic high-end medical devices. It was also ranked as the top regulatory challenge faced by Chamber members in the medical devices sector, according to the Business Confidence Survey 2023.

The European Chamber supports the end goal of this action, which is to ensure that European companies have the same access to China’s procurement market as Chinese companies enjoy in Europe. The Chamber expects the investigation will be carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

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Xinhe Fan

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