Press Releases

2023-04-21 > All chapters

China’s Push to Localise Foreign R&D Elicits Diverse Responses from European Companies

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber), in partnership with the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), today published China’s Innovation Ecosystem: the localisation dilemma.

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2023-03-10 > Tianjin

European Chamber Report Outlines Plan for Tianjin to Realise its Potential

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China today released the Tianjin Position Paper 2023/2024.

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2023-02-14 > Shanghai

European Chamber Urges Shanghai to Act to Restore Business Confidence

The European Chamber published its Shanghai Position Paper 2023/2024. It outlines how Shanghai can restore its reputation as an internationally competitive city, after three years of stringent pandemic control measures rocked business confidence.

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