Press Releases

2015-05-21 > All chapters

European Chamber Welcomes the State Council’s Decision to Improve Internet Speeds

The European Chamber greatly appreciates the firm pledge by the Chinese State Council to increase China’s Internet speeds and to lower prices for Internet services.

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2015-03-18 > All chapters



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2015-03-18 > All chapters

As China’s economy slows, bold reforms must be forthcoming

Beijing, 18th March, 2015 – The European Chamber hopes that the recently concluded lianghui (NPC and CPPCC meetings) will provide renewed impetus to China’s reform drive, that market access will be increased and protectionist policies held in check.

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2015-02-12 > All chapters

Internet Restrictions Increasingly Harmful to Business, say European Companies in China

China’s recent slew of measures to further restrict domestic Internet access is isolating it from the rest of the world and could turn its domestic networks from an internet into an intranet.

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2015-02-12 > All chapters



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2014-11-05 > All chapters



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2014-11-05 > All chapters

European Chamber Press Release on the publication of the revised Foreign Investment Catalogue

China’s revised draft of the Foreign Investment Catalogue is another incremental and positive development for foreign business in some, but not all sectors. The removal of the investment catalogue altogether, in favour of a short negative list, would

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2014-10-30 > All chapters

European Chamber Statement on the Decision of the 4th Plenum

The Fourth Plenum Decision addressed a number of key concerns of European Chamber member companies with regard to the rule of law and has sent encouraging signals. However, concrete implementation steps are required now to translate these decisions into action at all levels of the government and the judiciary.

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2014-10-30 > All chapters



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