Press Releases

2022-05-25 > All chapters

European Companies can Help China Accelerate its Carbon Neutrality Drive

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber), in partnership with Roland Berger, today published Carbon Neutrality: The Role of European Companies in China’s Race to 2060.

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2022-05-05 > All chapters

China’s COVID-19 policy and Russia’s war in Ukraine cause severe disruptions to European business in China

The European Chamber, in partnership with Roland Berger, today released a survey on the impact that China’s COVID-19 policy and Russia’s war in Ukraine are having on European business in China.

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2022-01-11 > All chapters

European Chamber Stance on the Liberalisation of Ownership Restrictions in the Automotive Sector

The European Chamber welcomes the updates contained in the two negative lists which came into effect on 1st January 2022, lifting ownership restrictions for manufacturers of passenger vehicles.

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2022-01-02 > All chapters

European Chamber Stance on IIT Update

The European Chamber welcomes both the State Council’s announcement on 29th December, that bonuses will continue to be taxed separately at a preferential rate until the end of 2023, and the two-year extension of non-taxable allowances.

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2017-12-23 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on the Central Economic Work Conference

The message from the Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) is clear: China must mitigate major financial risks, alleviate poverty and achieve quality growth. The European Chamber welcomes these clearly defined objectives.

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2017-11-10 > All chapters

The European Chamber's Statement on the Raising of the Ceiling on Foreign Equity Ownership of JVs in the Financial Sector

The announced raising of the ceiling to 51 per cent on foreign equity ownership of joint-venture firms in various areas of the financial sector is an encouraging step towards the opening of China’s financial system overall.

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2017-11-03 > All chapters

Chamber stance on the governance of joint ventures and the role of Party organisations

With respect to the recent calls for Party strengthening within businesses, it is important to make a clear distinction between three separate issues.

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2017-11-03 > All chapters


1. 党对国有企业的领导,包括把党组织内嵌到公司治理结构之中
2. 党组织在企业,特别是外商投资企业中的存在
3. 将国有企业党建机制推广到中外合资企业的法人治理结构中

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2017-09-19 > All chapters



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