Press Releases

2019-03-05 > All chapters

European Chamber Stance on the Annual Government Work Report Delivered at Two Sessions

The European Chamber urges China to follow through on the commitments made to expand market access, and provide equal treatment and an effective regulatory environment.

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2019-02-25 > All chapters

European Chamber’s Stance on the (Draft) Foreign Investment Law

Rather than waiting to collect feedback on the first draft from stakeholders, the NPC carried out the second reading on 29th January, nearly a month before the deadline for the first call for comments.

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2012-12-06 > All chapters

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China: Another disappointing and limited Chinese offer to join the Government Procurement Agreement

Beijing, 06 December 2012– China promised in its WTO Accession Protocol to join the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) ‘as soon as possible’. Eleven years since WTO accession and five years after negotiations first started, China presented its fourth offer in Geneva on 5th December 2012. Although a minor improvement, notably through its inclusion of three additional provinces and through lowered threshold levels, this third revised GPA offer is still highly disappointing in terms of scope and coverage.

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2012-09-06 > All chapters

European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013: Equal Access for All Would Bring about Rebalancing

Beijing, 06 September 2012 – The upcoming leadership transition provides the opportunity to enact much-needed reforms in China’s approach to foreign and domestic private investment, according to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, which today launched the 13th annual edition of its primary lobbying document, the European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013.

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2012-05-29 > All chapters

Business Confidence Survey 2012: Despite strong growth optimism, regulatory concerns and rising costs are impacting upon European companies’ investment plans.

Beijing, 29 May 2012 -- China is becoming an increasingly important strategic market for European companies, but a significant proportion may shift investments away from China’s increasingly costly marketplace to other countries due to increased market pressures and missed opportunities caused by market access and regulatory barriers, according to the Business Confidence Survey 2012 released today by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

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2012-03-13 > All chapters

Private equity-backed companies in China outperform exchange-listed peers and deliver greater social

Private equity investments in China are paying both financial and social dividends according to the “2012 Survey on the Economic & Social Impact in China”.

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2006-12-08 > All chapters

Statement Draft Labour Contract Law Press Conference

In light of recent media attention concerning the European Chamber's position on the draft Labour Contract Law, the Chamber would like to take this opportunity to further clarify its position on this important piece of legislation.

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2006-11-08 > All chapters

European Chamber signs MoU with Jiangsu and Guangdong Office for IPR Protection

Beijing, 8th November 2006. The European Chamber is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the provincial representatives of the State Office of Intellectual Property Protection (SOIPP) from Jiangsu and Guangdong responsible for the coordination of Service Centres for Intellectual Property Protection.

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