Press Releases

2015-01-21 > Shanghai

European Chamber urges acceleration of reforms for Shanghai to reach its 2020 Goal

The Shanghai Position Paper 2014/2015, published today—the first in a series of standalone local European Chamber Chapter position papers.

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2010-12-13 > All chapters

European Chamber supports the 2011 priorities announced at the National Economic Conference

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China would like to state its support for a number of the 2011 priorities announced at the National Economic Conference on 12th December 2010.

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2010-11-05 > All chapters

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China celebrates its 10th Anniversary in Beijing today.

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2010-09-11 > All chapters

10th Annual Position Paper Urges on Improved Market Access and a More Level Playing Field

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China today launches the 10th edition of its primary annual lobbying document, the European Business in China Position Paper 2010/2011.

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