Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group Position Paper 2017/2018 - 质量与安全子工作组建议书2017/2018 Go back »

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    Position Paper
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    Quality and Safety Services (Sub-working Group) Working Group / Forum
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The Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group was established in 2012, as a sub-working group of the Standards and Conformity Assessment (SCA) Working Group. Comprised of European Chamber members in the quality and safety services (QSS) sector, the Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group provides a platform to monitor and exchange experiences on developments in the regulatory environment and business operating conditions affecting the sector. The sector is defined in this paper as independent, third-party agencies that provide manufacturers and end users with testing, inspection and certification (TIC) and other conformity assessment-related services in relation to their products and management systems, with the aim of improving the safety and quality of products on the market.

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