Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group Position Paper 2018/2019 - 合规与商业道德工作组建议书2018/2019 Go back »

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    Position Paper
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    Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group / Forum
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The main responsibility of a corporate citizen is to earn money and survive without help from others. To do otherwise diverts key resources away from areas of society that need them more. Corporate citizens also need to ensure that their operations do not negatively impact the environment and society at large, by continuously improving themselves. At a minimum, a corporate citizen should attempt to prevent their employees, and known associates, from violating any laws, rules, regulations or norms.

The compliance function consists of any and all efforts a company makes to exert control and address any negative impacts that may arise from their internal operations. Effective compliance management and ethical practices not only reduce the compliance risks of a given company but also help build trust in businesses. They can also substitute for state-led law enforcement activities and uphold the rule of law.

Created in 2015, the Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group provides a trusted environment for European Chamber members to discuss management practices, including any successes or failures they have experienced in compliance and business ethics. Working group members meet in an effort to advocate for greater clarity on compliance-related legislation and to better understand how businesses can comply with existing regulatory structures. By sharing experiences, the working group helps its members learn and develop while enhancing compliance practices across China. The working group is active in Shanghai and Beijing, and membership is open only to industry representatives that are in-house counsels, compliance officers or internal auditors.

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