Upcoming Events

Observation and feedback on each student using reflection, practice, improvisation, and personal "play" situational analysis. Create a highly personalized learning environment for trainees and a training classroom close to the coaching method.

It is suitable for team members, project members, team managers, department managers, project managers and cross-departmental staff with different experience backgrounds, who need to effectively improve the working relationship with colleagues and superiors, work better with others, and hope to change their style and Individual contributors and team leads for working methods.

  • 2024-11-26 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

This course not only emphasizes the core purpose of business English writing - to output power and value, but also compares AI and human writing through examples, highlighting the importance and uniqueness of mastering business English writing skills in today's fast-developing technology. By learning the do's and don'ts of cross-cultural communication, the 6C principles (Correct, Clear, Concise, Concrete, Complete, Courteous) and other core content, students will be able to navigate through various business scenarios and improve the quality of their writing and communication. Whether you are a beginner or a working professional with a certain foundation, this course will provide you with practical skills and methods to help you make significant progress in business English writing.

  • 2024-11-27 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • MS Teams



  • 2024-11-29 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

Many organisations are facing challenging times:
1. How can employee morale, engagement and initiative taking be raised and fear reduced?
2. How can productivity be increased and stress reduced?
3. How can companies innovate to grow and survive in such challenging times?

The CALAgility System is a new system for organisational leadership designed for such times
Completed in advance
· Self- assessment for teams/organisation, looking at the principles needed for dynamic and agile productivity. Participants will compare their own confidential scores with cohort peers as well as a global data base.
· Individual self-assessment that shows how agile/adaptive, responsive, effective, balanced and overall enabling the choices of leadership strategy are (available in Chinese and English). Highly customised report will give specific suggestions for further exploration. Workshop will compare cohort scores to global averages.
Participants will be able to compare their own confidential score with cohort peers as well as a global normative data base.
• Participants will receive:
A high impact interactive experiential workshop that will introduce a genuinely new approach (NOT “old wine, new bottle”!). This will cover:
WHY leadership paradigm needs to change based on modern western complexity science – how to lead upwards and sideways not just downwards in VUCA times
WHAT principles need to be in place, so as to leverage hidden potential that commonly exists in teams and organisations.
HOW to get faster and better results in uncertain times for less stress and effort.
Materials include:
• Customised and confidential individual report on leadership capability
• Customised and confidential report on team/organisation being led
• Signed copy of book “Future Leadership” (Chinese copy) – discount for English version
• Learning log to capture key action points to take away and try out
• Pocket sized Aide memoire of key points
• International CPD certificate if needed
After Master Class:
• One-on-one coaching session if needed
• Access to articles and further reading

  • 2024-12-05 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office