Upcoming Events

Michael Register, a British crisis management expert, has a famous saying that taking every step well is the best way to resolve conflicts. Indeed, many companies have fallen due to conflicts, but there are more companies that have survived conflicts. The key is not to fight unprepared battles. No matter how complex the difficulties are, there is a certain process to deal with them. As long as every step in the process is well taken, it will be easy to deal with conflicts.
With the development of society, competition is becoming more and more fierce. Collaboration has become the key to success. More and more companies are beginning to pay attention to cross-departmental conflict management. Cross-departmental collaboration is the foundation for the successful development of enterprises. It can not only enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises, but also increase the net profit of enterprises, thereby achieving greater profit growth. Cross-departmental collaboration can more effectively achieve corporate goals, improve the overall technical level of enterprises, expand the scale of enterprises, and reduce corporate costs. Cross-departmental collaboration can reduce the cost of human resources because it can improve the efficiency of human resources, increase work output, and bring greater economic benefits to enterprises.


  • 2024-08-16 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams Online


European Chamber and Eddic jointly host High-Value Public Courses - Business Empowerment Session
The courses include: New Product Development Project Management, Aligning Organizational and Personal Goals with One Canvas, Tailoring Talent Management to the Enterprise, Learning from Midea: From Strategy to Execution, and Executive Workshop on Enhancing Systematic Business Thinking.

  • 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Conference Room, Guangdong Branch, Generali China Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 18th Floor, Chow Tai Fook Financial Center, 6 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

This course is suitable for all working people who want to improve their work efficiency and free themselves from tedious tasks with the help of AI big language model. AI时代到来,企业希望员工可以提高效率,可以成为多面手,来降低成本。员工希望从一些简单但繁琐的工作中解放出来,而更多的专注核心业务和自身发展。那么大语言时代的到来,一个免费的网页,只需轻松对话,就可完成这两大心愿。

  • 2024-08-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • MS Teams

With the advent of the AI era, enterprises hope that employees can improve efficiency and become generalists to reduce costs. Employees hope to be liberated from some simple but tedious work, and more focus on the core business and their own development. With the advent of such a large language era, a free web page, just a simple conversation, can accomplish these two wishes. AI时代到来,企业希望员工可以提高效率,可以成为多面手,来降低成本。员工希望从一些简单但繁琐的工作中解放出来,而更多的专注核心业务和自身发展。那么大语言时代的到来,一个免费的网页,只需轻松对话,就可完成这两大心愿.

  • 2024-08-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology to help students master knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modelling, data analysis and visual presentation.



  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • MS Teams

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology, and help students master the knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modeling, data analysis and visual presentation. The course is rich in content, covering all aspects of data analysis, and aims to help students comprehensively improve their data analysis skills.

  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online



- 掌握三阶段洞察法-破解员工行为背后的心理密码;
- 能够运用洞察和心理沟通四步法转化和激励员工的负面情绪和行为;
- 懂得员工工作激情的来源——内在心理动力的“飞机”模型图;
- 能够根据对员工的心理洞察更精准的使用相应的激励方法和策略
- 学会评估与使用“三角色法”扭转困难情境下团队的士气低落;
- 懂得使用凝聚与点燃团队激情的“团体心理动力的四要素”。

  • 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-12 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 北京东直门亚朵S酒店

• Actively respond to climate change and improve the company's carbon risk management capabilities
• Respond to customer requirements and implement carbon disclosure actions to improve market competitiveness
• Identify opportunities and action directions for energy conservation, emission reduction and cost reduction
• Meet the market's demand for low-carbon information and guide green consumption fashion

  • 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • BV Nanjing office 必维南京办公室

This two-day workshop aims to prepare technical experts changing to a management role and new managers with the leadership skills to build team engagement, performance and consistency.

This workshop emphasizes establishing a leadership essentials, which serves as a tool for new leaders to effectively communicate and collaborate, ensuring the consistent implementation projects, operation and a steady leadership pipelines across the organization.

  • 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-18 | 09:30 - 17:30
  • Shenzhen

The market competition is highly fierce, and the key to success is to establish and maintain close and solid relationships with key clients. In this course, you will be able to systematically gain insights into Key Account Management (KAM) from a global perspective and have comprehensive in-depth analysis of external and internal factors of key clients, thus making influence on the preferences of the procurement decision-making team to achieve sales target.

- 从全局的角度系统地洞察大客户管理
- 为公司制定一个成功的大客户管理方案
- 全面地深度剖析大客户的外部和内部要素
- 更加准确地在客户的内部建立关键人员联盟
- 在公司内部建立赢得大客户的联盟
- 区别竞争对手并获得有利的竞争优势
- 影响采购决策团队的偏好来实现销售
- 进行关键决策人价值演讲来获得关键的支持和承诺

  • 2024-10-18 - 2024-10-19 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Beijing