EUCCC Nanjing HR Forum Calendar of Events 2009 Go back »

2009-01-20 | Nanjing

•  January: 
Due to Chinese New Year no meeting

•  February: Fr. 20.2.  
Forum meeting: about EUCCC Position Paper and other HR related topics; or what is missing HR related
Venue: Sofitel
•   March:   Fr. 20.3.   
Seminar: How the salary studies (Mercer, Hewitt, etc.) are used in Nanjing companies; advantages, problems…
Venue: to be determined

•   April:   Fri 17.4.    
Training: HR topics related to new laws and regulations (Labor law, Antimonopoly Law, etc.). Special consideration of actual law cases  to see what decisions courts have made, security issues, discussion with  government officials
Venue: to be determined

•   May:   Fr. 22.5.   
Networking meeting: Experience sharing about methods to retain people; salary systems, incentive systems, process models   for HR (e.g. People Capability Maturity Model, HR challenges when terminating contracts, how to be valuable HR for the society )
Venue: to be determined

•   June:  Fr. 26.6.        
Forum Meeting: The actual situation on the Nanjing Labor Market (Salary development, Staff turnover status, Talent situation) – Dialog with Nanjing Education Institutes
Venue: to be determined

•   July:   Fr. 24.7.     
Networking Meeting: Summer event – HR Forum promotion (Outdoor)
Venue: to be determined

•    August:  
No event due to summer holidays
•    September:    Fr. 11. 9.
Seminar: HR related Tax issues; Invite tax-experts
Venue: to be determined

•    October:  Fr. 23.10.   
Forum Meeting: Experience Sharing with other EUCCC HR Forums (Beijing, Shanghai, …)
Host: to be determined

•    November: Fr. 27.11.   
Forum Meeting: Social security issues and issues related to expats working in Nanjing
 Venue: to be determined

•    December:  Fr. 18.12.   
Networking event: Annual closing meeting – 2010 planning
Host: to be determined