Visit with the Shanghai Administration of Industry & Commerce Go back »

2009-04-08 | All chapters

Visit with the Shanghai Administration of Industry & Commerce

On 2nd April a delegation from the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter visited Shanghai Administration of Industry & Commerce (AIC) and presented European Business in China Position Paper 2008/2009 to Ms Xu Feng, Deputy Director  of Shanghai AIC, Mr Xing Dongshen, Director of Trademark Supervision & Administration, and Chen Yanfeng, Director of Foreign Investment Enterprise Registration Division.

This was the second meeting with Shanghai AIC. Mr Piter de Jong who led the European Chamber's delegation raised three main issues from the Executive Summary of the Position Paper 2008/2009 were highlighted, namely Market Access, Transparency and Administrative Coordination and IPR protection.  The following discussion evolved mainly around IPR protection.  The delegation praised the AIC’s work to tackle counterfeiting problems in Shanghai but also reiterate the need to take more effective steps to fight violations in retail markets.  The comments were well received. Both parties expressed their willingness to continue the discussion at a working level in order to work out practical solutions.