EU Chamber met with EU Commissioner for Agri & Rural Development Go back »

2009-05-26 | All chapters

Mme.Mariann Fischer Boel, the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, accompanied by her official deleagation and a business delegation composed of 11 global CEOs of European Agri-Food enterprises visited Shanghai and Beijing from 18th to 22nd May.

In addition to her promotion role at the Tasty Europe project and Sial, on 18th May Mme.Fischer Boel also engaged herself to a VIP Working dinner with delegates from the EU Chamber's Food & Beverage Working Group headed by Shanghai Board Member. At this meeting, F&B Working Group representatives had the opportunity to have direct exchanges with Commissioner and her delegations from Bruxelles on issues and concerns for the EU Agri-Food industry in China. These views cover productss and sectors of spirits, dairy products, agricultural processed products, importer and distributor, testing lab, and casing industry.

The Food & Beverage Working Group members are also engaged as speakers in the seminar of 18th oragnised for the Commissioner's Business Delegation on business experiences in China. EUCCC members shared the China experiences with Bruxelles guests on marco-ecnomic environment, consumer confidence, importer's lessons and investor's insights.

Last but not least, Joerg Wuttke, President of the EU Chamber was cordially invited to deliver a speech at the Agri-Food B2B event in Beijing on 20th May where the EU Commissioner was present. Certain members of the Working Group also actively participated at the Round table discussion afterwards and provided with positive feedbacks. Other business participation include member companies from CFNA(China Chamber of Commerce For Import and Export of Foodstuffs,Native Produce And Animal By-Products).