PRD New Board Members 2010 Go back »

2010-04-28 | South China

Dear Members,
I am glad to announce that as a result of the PRD Annual Board Election, successfully held on the 13th of April at Ritz Carlton Guangzhou, the new Board was elected for the term April 2010 - April 2011.
Mr. Vettoretti has been confidently re-elected for this new term making it his third one as the Chair, while the other five board members were newly elected and this will be their first mandate. For the first time this year, one of the Board Members has been also assigned the special status of "European Chamber Representative in Zhuhai". The European Chamber believes that 2010 will be a year of expansion in the whole PRD including the second tier cities where a larger number of events as well as government meetings will be scheduled in the months ahead.
For the full details about the Chair and the Board Members of the Pearl River Delta Chapter, please see below.
Join me to welcome the new board and wish them a successful mandate!
Yours faithfully,
Francine Hadjisotiriou
General Manager



PRD Chair:              Mr. Alberto Vettoretti    Company:                Dezan Shira and Associates                                 Asia Briefing Media Ltd   Position:                   Managing Partner                                 Managing Director



Mr. Vettoretti’s Priorities:
The firm and myself have been since the very beginning a strong supporter of the European Chamber’s PRD chapter and we were among the first members to apply for the national membership
In this year I would like to contribute to the overall development of the chapter and in particular to the following activities:
· Continue to grow the membership base of the PRD chapter giving a particular emphasis to second tier cities;
· Continue and expand lobbying activities with local and provincial government officials;
· Ensure EUCCC members have access to information at all government levels in particular with reference to government economic subsidies, funds, assistance and support on the ground;
· Give my contribution in attracting the attention of the European union/national governments on issues faced by SMEs and MNCs alike in South China.


PRD Board Member:    Mr. Benoit Stos
Company:                     Mazars Guangzhou office
Position:                        Managing Partner



Mr. Stos’s Priorities:
It is a great honour for me to elected as a Board Member of the European Union Chamber in the Pearl River Delta region of China.
I have lived and worked in China for approximately eight years (four years in Beijing and now currently four years in Guangzhou) and in this time I have had the opportunity of assisting many European companies in their development in China. I work for a firm which has a strong presence in most European countries, as well as the Asia-Pacific region, giving me first-hand experience of advising and guiding European MNCs in China. This knowledge and experience is what I look forward to sharing with the Chamber as a board member.
During my time in China, I have regularly attended events organized by the various European Chambers in Beijing and Guangzhou. This has allowed me to build long-standing relationships with the different Chambers and develop an ideal environment for the sharing of information. I believe this sharing of knowledge and ideas is not only beneficial to the European Chamber, but crucial to the future development of the European business community in China.
I am committed to the continued development of European business in the PRD region and am ready to dedicate the necessary time for this position. I will continue to provide my utmost diligence and expertise in providing support for European businesses in the PRD region and China as a whole.

PRD Board Member:    Mr. David Gustin
Company:                     Shenzhen GlaxoSmithKline-Neptunus Biologicals Co., Ltd.
Position:                        General Manager



Mr. Gustin’s Priorities:
Having been elected as a board member of the European Chamber PRD chapter is an honour yet also potentially a new adventure. This represents my first time to join such an organization. One of my main motivations is curiousness which hopefully you will consider as a sound one.
Of course, there are other aspects that I intend to bring along as an individual and also as the representative of GSK. Having ran a packaging company in Shanghai for more than 3 years and now setting up a Flu vaccine production joint-venture in Shenzhen, I have been exposed to the daily ups and downs of local manufacturing.
Like many other companies, GSK is interested in this part of the world and deals are done, under construction or still to come. I have had the opportunity to participate to these works and to uncover the difficulties and Chinese specificities of such arrangements. I am aware of the interest of overarching bodies represented here by the EUCCC.

Please rest assured that, as a board member, I will engage my energy and knowledge in shaping an environment for the development of our European business.
PRD Board Member:     Mr. Holger Kunz
Company:                      TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Position:                         Managing Director South China



Mr. Kunz’s Priorities:
I feel honoured to be elected as a member of the board of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Pearl River Delta Chapter.
For more than 18 years, I have been living and working in Asia, the past 14 years in the Greater China Region, first in Taiwan and now - for more than 8 years - in Shenzhen.
I would like to contribute the insights and knowledge which I have gained during all these years to the European chamber and its members. In my opinion, a lot can still be done to give Europeans more weight in this region and to further smooth the relationships with our host country.
Coming from a multi-national service provider in the field of product and system certification, which interacts with manufactures, other service providers, buyers, governments and their regulations, I have a rather wide background and I distinctly believe that sharing and exchanging this knowledge and learning from others will get the chamber and every single member even further.
One of the areas where I would like to support the EUCCC and its members is the opening of the Chinese market for European companies who like to place their products on the local market and face difficulties in meeting product compliance requirements especially in the area of CCC.  European companies in China have contributed a lot and have been important to the Chinese market. More and more they are experiencing problems and hindrances now. It is here where I would like to put my focus on.
In the past, I have gained experience with chamber work as the Shenzhen representative of the German Chamber of Commerce in China. I have plenty of energy, initiative and creativity and am very much looking forward to supporting the European Chamber of Commerce.

PRD Board Member:     Mr. Nong Ke Qiang
Company:                      Siemens Ltd., China
Position:                         Senior Vice President & General Manager of Region South



Mr. Nong’s Priorities:
It is a great honour to be elected as a member or the board of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Pearl River Delta Chapter.
For my understanding EUCCC’s role as an interface between the European business community and the Chinese authorities will becoming more important as an element of communication. It provides a great insight on all the subjects of importance to a European company settling in China.
In the past I had 15 years working experience in Chinese central government and 11 years in Siemens with different management function as marketing, operating JV, M&A and international sales. With those experiences I believe that will provide a good understanding about Chinese industry and European companies.
As a  board member of the EUCCC PRD Chapter, I understand there are some new challenges in front of me; I have to raise opinions which stand on the interests not only for a individual company, but also for the interests for the European business community as well as all members.
Another priority for me will be: communication and networking. I believe that on-going communication between all parties involved is essentially to support and improve all members’ business development.
I am confident that as a board member I can greatly contribute to help and support member companies from my past experience.
PRD Board Member                               
& Zhuhai Representative:          Mrs. Susanne Zhang-Pongratz   

Company:                                  Raiffeisenzentralbank Austria AG
                                                  Zhuhai Representative Office

Position:                                      Chief Representative


Mrs. Zhang-Pongratz’s Priorities:
I feel honoured to be elected as a board member of the European Chamber of Commerce, Pearl River Delta Chapter. I am a strong believer in the advantages of the European Community and  I am convinced that a regular exchange between members of the EUCCC and being part of a group of professionals with vast experience is very positive for the further personal and professional development of each of us.
I have been living and working in China for more than 14 years, nearly 10 years in Beijing and more than 4 years in Zhuhai. There are still not many members of the EUCCC in Zhuhai although there are quite a number of companies with European background in our area. The reason is that lovely Zhuhai has its own community life far away from Guangzhou and Shenzhen. During this year I will dedicate myself to find more members for the EUCCC in order to link Zhuhai business people with their counterparts in the other Pearl River Delta cities.
Being well inserted into the local community life, foreign and Chinese, I am sure I can assist newcomers to Zhuhai very well.