Advisory Council Members Brief EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht Go back »

2010-05-06 | All chapters

On Friday morning, members of the European Chamber’s Advisory Council had the unique opportunity to brief the new EU Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht, as he made his first visit to China in his new role. The group, led by Chamber President Jacques de Boisseson met with Commissioner De Gucht over breakfast, and briefed him on the challenges and issues that European business faces in the China market. Issues of particular interest and discussion included overheating, inflation, non-peforming loans, openness of China, 3G standards, ownership issues in banking and insurance, indigenous innovation, IPR, and the need for a stronger, united European Voice.

Meanwhile on Thursday evening, a delegation of European Chamber members from the energy sector met with the EU Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, to discuss issues facing European businesses in the energy sector in China. Mr. Oettinger also addressed European Chamber members during the Chamber’s AGM.


EU Commisioner Gunther Oettinger