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2011-02-01 | Nanjing

Since the establishment of the Nanjing Chapter nearly seven years ago many people have contributed to its development and Mr. Wang Xuanbo and Ms. Guo Chenxi are among them. As couple and owners of the Nanjing Xihe Art Design Studio, they are since 2008 in charge of the design work of the Nanjing Chapter and have designed several marketing materials like the banner and invitation for the photo exhibition “My Nanjing” which took place last year in August.

"We wanted to do something that we are really interested in, so we founded our own company in 2004“, says Mr. Wang during our interview. In the very beginning, Ms. Guo was in charge of the company; however with an increasing number of clients, Mr. Wang resigned from his job and took over the responsibility for the operations of the company. They started to co-operate with the chamber two years ago. ”Working with the Chamber is very interesting because they have always new ideas for events. Besides, we can meet people from all over the world and exchange ideas, which allows us to broaden our vision.” says the couple.

As both couple and colleagues, Mr. Wang and Ms. Guo like to exchange their design ideas throughout the day. Moreover, the mutual trust between them is much stronger than just the one between working colleagues which adds a lot of value to their work. Normally, Ms. Guo is responsible for the generation of ideas while her husband is in charge of the execution. “Sometimes we quarrel, but it’s not bad. It is different from quarrels between colleagues and it helps a lot in our work.” says Ms. Guo.

Now they are already parents of a 13-month-old girl. The little girl will grow up in a creative environment; however they want their daughter decide by herself what she wants to do when she grows up.

And as for the future of the company, they want to continue focusing on creativity and maintaining their first-class service quality like they always do.

Mr. Wang Xuanbo & Ms. Guo Chenxi with their works