“Train the trainers” conference with Shanghai Greater Region government officials Go back »

2011-02-28 | Shanghai

On Friday, February 25th, the SWITCH-Asia Project “Train the trainers” held a conference in Shanghai on policies to achieve energy-efficient buildings. The event provided an overview of the policies in place in Europe and in China, supplying an updated overview on the status of regulations in both regions.

For the European side, special attention was paid to issues of implementation of the European Performance Building Directive. For the Chinese case, the content specifically focused on the Shanghai greater region which constitutes the so-called warm-summer, cold-winter climate zone and which represents the geographical scope of the “Train the trainers” Project.

The event was attended by more than fifty officials from Environmental Protection Bureaus, the Ministry of Housing Urban Rural Development (MoHURD), Foreign Affairs Offices and related industry associations of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. This included representatives from both municipal and provincial levels, who actively participated in the event sharing their experiences, asking questions and providing comments.

Keynote speakers included Vice-Director Zhang Deming, from the Construction Market Supervision Division, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Urban Construction & Transport, First Secretary Laurent Javaudin from the European Delegation in Beijing and Vice-President Chen Xiaolong of Tongji University. 

Vice-Director Zhang delivered an extensive overview on the current regulations in Shanghai to promote energy-efficient construction, providing details on the different benefits coupled with sustainable solutions. He also offered a glimpse on the new trends that are to be expected further to the upcoming 12th Five Years Plan.

From his side, First Secretary Javaudin detailed European trends towards zero-carbon energy buildings in terms of both legislation and policies, while also opening a window on existing Sino-European best-cases and cooperation projects in China.

The conference was opened by Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber in Shanghai which acts as implementing partner within the SWITCH-Asia Project and was moderated by the Shanghai Construction Working Group Chair Mick Adams and the Energy Working Group Vice-Chair Jan-Uwe Kluessendorf. “Train the trainers” is carried out in association with Tongji University School of Materials Science and Engineering and the Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL.
IVL Vice-President Ake Iverfeldt offered an extensive overview of Europe’s policies and best-cases in the realm of energy-efficient construction. His presentation was complemented by an overview on China’s building energy policies, provided by Professor Long Weiding from Tongji University’s Sino-German College of Supplied Sciences and Sino-UK Institute of Sustainability.
The event also looked at the barriers for the implementation of energy efficient policies in China as well as to the solutions that can be readily adopted. This was described in-depth by Prof. Li Zhengrong, Dean of the Building Energy Conservation Laboratory at Tongji University’s College of Mechanical Engineering.

The conference concluded with a lively plenary session joined also by Vice-Director Fang Guiping of Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau, Vice-Director Li Changyu of Changzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Chief Engineer Wang Ranliang of Jiangsu MoHURD.
The event is part of the Project’s ongoing engagement with policy-makers to assist China in its efforts towards a more sustainable development path.
For more information, please refer to: www.train-the-trainers.net