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2012-10-12 | Beijing, Shanghai

12th October, 2012



1. Laws, Regulations and Notices

MOT: Call for Comments for the Credit Evaluation Standards of Highway Design Enterprises      Deadline the 10th Nov. 2012




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MEP: Call for Comments for the Environmental Labeling Technical Requirement of Water-Soluble Painting (Draft for Comments)    Deadline the 20th Nov. 2012


为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,促进科技进步,我部决定制定国家环境保护标准《环境标志产品技术要求 水性涂料》。目前,标准编制单位已编制完成标准的征求意见稿。根据《国家环境保护标准制修订工作管理办法》的规定,现将标准征求意见稿和有关材料印送给你们,请研究并提出书面修改意见,于2012年11月20日前反馈我部科技标准司或标准编制单位。


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MOHURD: Notice on the 17th Batch of Green Construction Rating Logo of 2012




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MOHURD: Notice on Enhancing the Quality Application and Performance Check of Construction Enterprises




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MOT: Notice on the Guidelines on Recycling the Road Pavement Materials




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MOT: Notice on the Guidelines on Subordinate Units Construction Programs Entering the Public Resources Trading Market




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MOT: Notice on the Administration and Outcome Investigation of Highway Construction Fund


为做好2012年度交通运输部预算执行审计工作,交通运输部公路局、审计署交通运输审计局拟对财政投入高速公路建设资金的管理、使用和效益情况进行专项调查,请各有关单位积极配合,做好相关数据的填报工作,确保数据真实、准确和完整(相关报表和填表说明可于10月12日前在交通运输部网站公路局子页下载),并于2012 年10月31日前将纸质(须加盖公章)和电子版的报表报送至审计署交通运输审计局(交通运输部1031室),审计署交通运输审计局将对数据填报情况进行检查并对填报工作进行必要的业务指导。


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MOFCOM: Issue the Guide on Social Responsibility for Chinese International Contractors





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2. Industry News

Govt to support services outsourcing firms

The services outsourcing industry contributes to the upgrading of China's foreign trade, said a senior trade official on Wednesday at the inauguration of the fourth China Sourcing Summit in Hangzhou.


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China Service Sector Grows

A gauge of China's service-sector activity signaled that the sector continues to offset slowing manufacturing activity in the world's second-largest economy.The HSBC China Services Purchasing Managers' Index rose to 54.3 in September from 52.0 in August. Service output grew at the fastest rate since May, HSBC said in a statement.


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Chinese construction projects to support copper demand: Goldman Sachs

A second cycle of building and construction projects in China will continue supporting copper prices through the end of next year, analysts with investment bank Goldman Sachs said Wednesday.


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Booming land sales fuel predictions of real estate rebound

Land sales in China's 10 major cities more than doubled in the third quarter compared with the previous one, with the price premium picking up, fueling expectations of a speedier rebound in the country's real estate sector.


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China home prices rise for 4th month in September: survey

Average home prices in China's 100 big cities edged up for a fourth straight month in September, a private survey showed, reinforcing signs of a mild recovery as the government seeks to boost growth while avoiding a real estate bubble.


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Construction halted in Hubei in wake of fatal accident

All construction sites in Hubei province have suspended operations for safety checks after 19 painters died on Thursday from an elevator's 100-meter fall to the ground in Wuhan, the provincial capital.


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Gathering focuses on creation of eco-cities

A forum to be held in Tianjin on Saturday will offer opportunities for experts, officials and enterprises to discuss building ecologically friendly cities.The topic is of great significance as China is transforming its growth model to embrace a green economy amid fast urbanization, experts said.


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3. Publications


European Business Confidence Survey 2012

Read full publication

European Business in China: Position Paper 2012/2013, September 2012
Read full publication

EURObiz, July/August 2012
Read full publication

Business Directory 2012
Read full publication

Overcapacity in China: Causes, Impacts and Recommendations
Read full publication


4. Upcoming Events




12th October - sight China: The Social-Economic Threat in China

Westin Beijing Chaoyang, Beijing

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18th October - Autumn Joint Chamber Networking

The Gallery Hotel, Beijing

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25th October - SME Conference 2012

Marriott Hotel Northeast, Beijing

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26th October - AmCham China’s 13th Annual Human Resources Conference

China World, Beijing

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3rd Novemver - Red Carpet Night

798 SPACE, Beijing

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8th November - 2012 China International Trade Facilitation Forum

Xinhai Jin Jiang Hotel, Beijing

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15th October - The Debt Crisis in the Euro Area explained: Insight into past successes and new Challenges

Le Royal Meridien, Shanghai

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16th October- Member In-house: Good enough strategy in China

European Union Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Office

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18th October - Urbanisation Series: Real Estate

Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, Shanghai

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18th October - Chamber Supported Event: Global Leadership Summit 2012

Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel Shanghai, Shanghai

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23th October - Save the Date: Cross-border RMB transactions and Global Cash Pooling

Sofitel Hyland Hotel, Shanghai

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24th October - Lunch Seminar – The Emerging Trends of Creative Brand Engagement

Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre

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26th October - Urbanisation Series: Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Industry

European Chamber Shanghai office, Shanghai

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30th October - Insight China with Mr. LIU Mingkang

Le Royal Meridien, Shanghai

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30th November - Save the Date: 8th European Chamber HR Conference - HR Innovation: Efficiency and Productivity Optimisation

Longemont Hotel Shanghai | Shanghai

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