Call for experts: Environment, New Technologies, Regulation and Standards Go back »

2016-05-17 | Beijing


Following a meeting between CAAC and EASA on 26 May, the CAAC planning and development department has asked to post-pone this activity to the second half of 2016. A call for experts will be put online again once new dates have been agreed.

European Chamber’s Aviation & Aerospace Working Group Secretariat is calling for experts to participate in the next EU-China APP activity, which will be focused on “Environment, New Technologies, Regulation and Standards” and will take place during the week of June 27.  

Background of the Activity:

Subject: Introduction to Environmental Technologies and Evolution of Regulatory Policy

Target Groups: CAAC department of planning and development, airports department, flight operations, enginecertification; Chinese Aviation Universities, Industry and EASA

Activity Type: 2-day Workshop

Description: This workshop aims to discuss possible technologies and processes to improve the environmental performance of the aviation sector. It should identify opportunities and measures  for further improvements. Topics might include:

  • Presentation of the recently released European Aviation Environmental Report 2016
  • Share European and Chinese experience and practices on environmental regulation, roadmaps, standards in support of latest technologies
  • Introduction of China’s current environmental policies in the field of aviation as well as the various incentive programs currently being deployed as well as future ones in preparation
  • Airport noise and air quality regulations in cities with dense living areas around airports
  • Experience sharing in European (e.g. London) and Chinese cities
  • Use of new technologies to reduce emissions (e.g. electric technologies, new materials, ground handling technologies, airport movement efficiency improvement)


Who Should Apply?

  • The EU-China Aviation Partnership Project cordially invites experts from industry to participate as presenters/trainers in this activity. The experts are expected to deliver following results through the workshop:
  • Spread awareness of European Aviation Environmental Report 2016 and assess the interest to prepare a similar report in China
  • Establish Network across relevant environmental stakeholders to facilitate follow up activities
  • Assess scope for a possible follow-up activity in Europe in 2017 
  • Increase awareness among Chinese stakeholders about European environmentally friendly technologies and services


How to Apply?

Please send your applications to Ana Magalhaes, Project Operations and Communications Manager of the EU-China APP, at with Cc to Ink Zheng, Business Manager of A&A Working Group, at by COB June 3rd. For questions regarding the role of Aviation & Aerospace Working Group Secretariat, please contact Ink Zheng. 

Both individual application and corporate application are accepted for this activity. 


The application package for individuals should include:

  • A short bio and a Resume ideally in EuroPass format ( Template available at )
  • An summary explaining how proposed technology or service can contribute to the activity objectives.


The application package for corporations should include:

  • An introduction explaining how its technology, product or service can contribute to the activity objectives.

For each recommended corporate expert

NOTE: Each corporation can recommend more than one expert for the activity.  


Next steps  

Upon submission of your application, the EU-China APP Project Team will acknowledge reception within 3working days. You will be contacted at a later stage for potential involvement in the project once a good match between the scope of work and the expert or corporation qualifications is identified.

The review of the expert applications will be on a rolling basis.  The deadline for submitting your application is June 3rd.


Additional Information

Fees of experts

The objective of the APP is to strengthen the economic partnership between the EU and China in the aviation domain. Project activities therefore contribute to the direct interest of European companies in China. The active contribution of European industry to the project is encouraged, by making use of their own resources where possible. Financial support from the APP can be considered to get the right expertise for individual activities in cases where this is not possible. 

The APP project team chooses the expert based on the scope of the work and the suitability of candidates proposed for these tasks. After approval from the APP project team, the Chamber will consult and discuss directly the fee with the expert.

The expert fees are determined according to the expert’s type:

Type A: Professionals with special qualifications and accreditations as well as demonstrated long term experience in the field required by the activity (e.g. Test Pilots, General Pilots, Ground Instructors for Maintenance Engineering, Ground Instructors for Maintenance Engineering, Ground Instructors for Operations Engineering, etc).

Type B: Qualified professionals with extensive and demonstrated experience of over 10 years in the field of expertise required by the activity (e.g. Engineering Assistance, Maintenance Services, El Engineering Architects, etc).

Type C: Professional with demonstrated expertise in a particular area and currently holding responsibility in the specific field of interest within the respective companies (e.g. Technical Assistance).



The daily subsistence allowance has to be agreed with the APP project team on a case-by-case basis before the assignment. The maximum possible reimbursement is determined by the latest European Commission per-diem list, published here:

Such per diems can only be paid in case of missions requiring an overnight stay away from the normal base of operation and after the submission of supporting documents. 


Travel Expenses:

Shall be reimbursed as follows:

  • Travel by air shall be reimbursed up to the maximum costs of an economy class ticket at the time of reservation
  • Travel by boat or rail shall be reimbursed at the rate of one first class rail ticket for the same journey and on the same day;
  • Travel outside European Union territory shall be reimbursed under the general conditions stated above provided that EASA has given its prior written agreement.
  • Supporting documents (e.g. boarding passes or train tickets) have to be handed over in original to the APP for the reimbursements.


Expert Time commitment:

Has to be agreed with the APP project team on a case-by-case basis. It depends on the complexity of and the tasks requested from the individual expert for a specific assignment.

At the end of each assignment the expert has to provide a time sheet and an expert mission report (see attached). These documents are a precondition for the reimbursement.


Non-EU citizens working for EU companies

  • Are eligible to be experts.

Individual Experts:

  • Are eligible to be experts. Should they be employed otherwise during that time, then the expert has to make a declaration that the APP assignment is accepted by his/ her employer to avoid conflict of interests.