European Chamber meets with Director-General Zourek Go back »

2006-07-13 | Shanghai

Chamber meets with DG Zourek in Shanghai

On July 12th members of the European Chamber had the opportunity to brief Director General Heinz Zourek of DG Enterprise and Industry at a dinner organized by the Chamber in Shanghai.

DG Zourek and his colleagues were welcomed by David Chang of the Shanghai Board and debriefed the participants on their meetings with NDRC, AQSIQ, MOH, COSTIND and MII. Chairpersons and members of the Auto Components, Cosmetics, Food & Beverage, Wine & Spirits, Healthcare Equipment, Pharmaceutical, PCOG and Non-Ferrous Metals Working Groups presented the pertinent issues of their industry. The issues were discussed in detail with the representatives of the EU Commission and were added to DG Zourek's agenda for the following day where he met again with Vice-Minster Ge of AQSIQ. 

For more information please contact Ioana Kraft on